International Ministries

Witness from India to Korea to Vietnam to Thailand

March 22, 2009 Journal
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Witness from India to Bhutan to Korea to Thailand to Vietnam!


March 2009


Dear Friends,


Thank you for your continued prayers and support.  These are difficult times for many.  Your continued encouragement is very much appreciated.


In mid January I went on a student recruitment trip to Bhutan.  It was good to connect with Woodstock graduates now back working in Bhutan and seeing what a difference Woodstock has made in their lives.  Soon after the Bhutan visit I went to Bangkok, Thailand for an education exhibition.  More than 3,000 people visited and the Woodstock stall was constantly busy.  Woodstock students still on vacation came to share with prospective families about ‘their’ school.

In early February Woodstock reopened for the start of the second semester.  The day school started God showered us with snow! I welcomed a new staff member to help in the admissions office.  She is a gift from God who is already taking on some of the work load.  A small number of new students joined including a boy whose parents work in Afghanistan, several grade eleven students from the USA who have come for a semester abroad, a girl from Thailand and a girl from the USA whose parents are on sabbatical in India from a USA university.  All are settling well as they become a part of the community.

At the end of February I headed to Surat in south India for another education exhibition.  It was a good experience as I talked with a number of parents seeking a good school for their children.

I recently returned from Korea, Thailand and Vietnam.  The new person in the office and I went to talk with parents and interview and test students who have applied for a place at Woodstock.  We also met with a number of alumni and parents of present Woodstock students from those areas.  There were wonderful opportunities to share, often over meals, with parents. In Bangkok we met with a missionary family seeking admission for their two children.  It was wonderful to spend time sharing with them and learning of their ministry.  In the midst of a large noisy hotel we were able to pray together.

What a privilege to be a part of what God is doing – to share with young people and their parents who will take what they have heard and learned to so many parts of the world.

It is good to be ‘home’ at Woodstock for a time now talking with prospective students and their families and working with families whose children are preparing to join Woodstock for the next school year which begins in August.  In mid April I am looking forward to attending the annual meeting of the Council of Baptist Churches of North East India.

Please continue to pray and support the work here among young people.


