International Ministries

S.T.E.P. Program at Work

September 23, 2002 Journal

International Ministries partners with the Woodstock School in India to serve the families of missionaries and Christian workers in Southern Asia. They are also reaching the "unreached" through children who come from countries where missionaries cannot go.All children who study at Woodstock School learn about Christian faith in the classroom.They also watch Christian staff live out their faith and interact with them.

"Today a seven year old girl came for an interview - the daughter and the only child of a Christian family in a Buddhist country."Missionary Cathy Holmes began to unpack the story.

"About fifteen years ago the father of the little girl came to Woodstock looking for an opportunity for his 16 year old sister who was struggling in another school.We are here to serve people like the family of this man and his father, both pastors reaching out to people in a nearby country. The man's sister spent three years at Woodstock on a scholarship.She gained confidence and was encouraged in her faith.She went back to live with her family in the nearby country and did a secretarial and computer course.She looked for and got a job with a service organization.The young woman has done well and has a serving heart. The family has been grateful for what the young woman gained and has kept in touch - even stopping in to visit when they are in the area visiting relatives.

Today the pastor, brother of the former student brought his daughter for an interview and test.He and his family are praying that the girl will be given an opportunity to study here.The situation in the nearby country is not good.Schools are frequently closed and tension is running high.The little girl is delightful and qualified.The only way the girl will be able to study here is with a scholarship.

It is the S.T.E.P. fund that makes this possible for this child." STEP is International Ministries Student Tuition and Expense Program. All funds donated to this program are forwarded directly to the country of your choice. Nothing is retained for administrative purposes.

Thank you for your generous support of this and the World Mission Offering, which enables us to carry on American Baptist mission work around the world.