International Ministries

Stained Glass Relationships!

July 31, 2009 Journal
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I once read an article by Rev. John Duckworth of FBC Great Falls, MT.  It was about evangelism and making stained glass windows.  Right now the Nishi Okamoto Christ Church of Kobe is constructing a new building.  In searching for a way the youth could be a part of this project, we thought of that stained glass ministry.  Thanks for the idea, John.   

Mr. Arakawa is a member of the Takatsuki Baptist Church in Osaka.  He makes stained glass windows as one of his hobbies. We asked him to come and help us.  He has been meeting with youth each Sunday evening to teach us and then join us for worship and praise.

Mr. Arakawa was telling me that when he was a college student, Rev. Stan Manierre, a former ABC missionary who passed away last November, took him up to the city of Nagoya.  They set up a tent and spent the days passing out Bible tracts and invitations to “Tent Meetings”.  Each evening a guest pastor came to bring the message.  Then the days were spent in follow up visitation.  That was the birth of what became the Nonami Baptist Church.

Sunday evening as we were standing on the building sight of the Nishi Okamoto Church in Kobe, I reminded Mr. Arakawa that the first building had originally been the home of Rev. Manierre and his family. They were the first to live at that location, which served first as a mission residence then became a church. It was while living there, that he took Mr. Arakawa to Nagoya with him.

Isn’t it great to be a part of these “stained glass” relationships? As partners with us, you are.

Thank You!

A couple weeks ago, our 16 year old, Alisen, fainted right after she got up that morning.  As she came around, she had a severe pain in her side.  We called an ambulance and they took her to the hospital.  After a serious of tests the pain began to subside and Alisen was feeling better, but the tests showed her appendix was swollen and her white blood count was elevated.  Since she was feeling better they said it wasn’t a rush, to return the next day for more tests. Those tests showed things getting worse, so they took out the appendix.  Now, Alisen is home and feeling fine, though she had to cancel a few of those summer activities she had planned.

We give thanks for all that the Lord provides for us and especially for his care for our family.  Some times we just take things for granted, forgetting the good things as well as the opportunities we have.

We have been blessed by so many of our friends and partners in the US, and we want to take a moment to express how important your prayers, and especially with the US economy as it has been, the gifts of support we have received.   We received quite a few gifts that were matched by the Luther Rice Society Matching Funds, which has been a big encouragement to us.

Tomoko and I want to give a special thanks to those churches and individuals who have said they will continue to make a monthly or regular gift as partners in the Lord’s ministry in Japan.  We know that you are making a sacrifice to partner with us.

Thank you, everyone!

Grace and Peace,