International Ministries

August 2009

August 20, 2009 Journal
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August 2009

Dear friends,

Greetings from Costa Rica! Thank you for making it possible for me to return! I am so grateful to all of you who are partnering with me in this exciting new ministry to which God has called me.  

I arrived to San José on July 29, and have been showered with blessings ever since. Gary, Mylinda, and Micah Baits, my missionary colleagues, welcomed me into their home like family, preparing gourmet meals that made me wonder why I wanted to move out. They graciously acted as chauffeur and in less than a week I had found an apartment, signed the lease, and moved my furniture from storage into my new place.  It’s about 10 minutes from the University by car, 40 minutes by bus, and an hour walking.

I was overwhelmed with the welcome I received at my church, la Primera Iglesia Bautista en Desamparados (PIBD). They are in the process of seeking a new pastor —many of you have been through that and know the stress it places on the congregation and the extra work demanded of the leaders.  Please pray that they will find a good match.

At the Universidad Biblica Latinoamericana, I have also received a very warm welcome. I met with the Academic Dean, Mireya Baltadano, who I have known since the 1980’s, when she came to El Salvador to teach a course and stayed at my house.  She updated me on some significant changes in the faculty. I even have an office, although it’s still pretty empty. I talked with a number of other professors and staff at the Mother’s Day breakfast (August 15) sponsored by the library staff. At my first “CU”: Consejo Universitario, i.e., faculty meeting, I was officially welcomed with a beautiful stole. The meeting and the worship afterwards reminded me of why I’m here, as they discussed their commitment to teach the Gospel in ways that connect with the real world and advance God’s Kingdom.  

My contact information is:
•    Home phone: 011 506 2253-2183
•    Postal address: 

Ruth Mooney

Apartado 639-2050

San Pedro 11501

San José, Costa Rica

•    Missionary/MPT e-mail address:  
•    Personal e-mail address:

Prayer requests:
•    That I will find a car
•    That my church will find the right pastor for the congregation
•    That the University will adjust to the loss of several faculty members
•    That I will “find my way” at the University and make a good start.

God’s blessings on you as we serve together in the Kingdom.

Rev. Ruth Mooney
International Ministries of the American Baptist Churches