International Ministries

Training Leaders to Serve in Cuba

September 29, 2009 Journal
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Dear Friends,


Classes have begun at Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Eastern Cuba this past month.  Shortly, on October 10th, the seminary will be celebrating its 60th anniversary.

An extension of that celebration is the graduation of 28 students a few weeks later.


For the last ten years I have served on the faculty of this institution which trains pastoral leadership for the convention.  One of the benefits of being somewhere long enough is to see the fruits of your labor, seeing former students graduated and serving the Lord in wonderful ways. 


One of those is Pastor Milton.  He had studied mechanical engineering until he felt a call to the ministry and entered seminary.  Milton has an occasional stuttering problem, but he didn’t let that get in the way of speaking to others about God.  He showed good understanding in my Christian education classes, turning in assignments that proved he was putting those principles into practice. 


After graduation he was sent to a difficult place near Guantanamo where he still pastors today.  He has faced some problems this past year, such as the parsonage falling apart during his wife’s difficult second pregnancy, necessitating a temporary move into the church.  But now the parsonage is almost repaired, their sons are healthy and the church is moving forward.  Pastor Milton is also a newer faculty member at the seminary, teaching Paul’s “Pastoral Epistles”.


I count it a privilege to have had some part in Milton’s training as a pastor, as well as continuing to encourage him in his ministry.  God, of course, has given the increase.  But I couldn’t have done my part without your financial and prayer support.  Because of that, you also have had a part in Milton and other pastors’ education.  Thank you! 


The month of October is special in American Baptist churches as well.  This is the time when we receive the World Mission Offering which goes 100% to support our mission work overseas.  With economic hard times, this offering is more important that ever to keep our mission efforts up and running.  Because you give, people are being reached for Christ, leaders are being trained and suffering is being alleviated around the world.  Please prayerfully consider your WMO gift and know that God does give the increase.


In Christ,


Sue Hegarty