International Ministries

Looking Out for the Interests of Others

October 4, 2009 Journal
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After Thandi’s husband died a few years ago, she was left with three children.  Like so many others, she left her rural home and moved to a squatter camp in the Durban area in search of work.   For almost six years now, she has lived in a shack made of scavenged wood, metal and plastic. She had been a member of the Amazioni religion that blends ancestral worship with Christianity until starting to attend the Christ Manor Church near her home last year.  When she started our health builder training course, she earned money by washing the clothes of her neighbors.  After regularly attending the church and studying the Bible with us, she was baptized.   Our teaching enabled her to encourage and educate HIV positive neighbors.  She would even accompany them to medical appointments in order to help them meet the health clinic requirement of bringing someone to each visit as a support person.  She became involved as a volunteer with an organization that does HIV/AIDS work in the community.  When a staff position opened there, Thandi presented training materials that she studied with us and was hired!  This job puts Thandi closer to her dream of owning her own small government-subsidized home. 

Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.  Philippians 2:4