International Ministries

Duane Health Update

October 30, 2009 Journal
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Thank you for your prayers as I have been dealing with health issues over the past month or so.  In recent weeks, I have been going to the Cleveland Clinic which has a highly rated department that specializes in issues related to the pancreas.  They were able to open up the bile duct by inserting a temporary stent.  That has helped to relieve many of the earlier jaundice symptoms.  But, there is still a growth in the pancreas that is causing a constriction in the bile duct that worries the doctors.  While all tests for cancer have been negative, they still feel that cancer is a possibility.  So, I am now scheduled for surgery on Monday, November 16th to remove a portion of the pancreas, other affected tissues and the gall bladder.  It is a 6 – 8 hour procedure and will require a 7 – 10 day hospital stay.  Full recovery will take 2 – 3 months.  Right now, I am feeling fine, but after the surgery, I will be out of commission for some time.  We appreciate your continued prayers for myself, our family and the doctors/nurses treating me.


Again, we are very grateful for your cards and letters of encouragement during this time if illness.  It has given us much strength and comfort being a part of the loving family of believers around the world!


Blessing to you all,

