International Ministries

Room to Live

April 23, 2002 Journal
If you own a vehicle of any kind in India, you get to know your mechanic very well.In fact, chances are you and your vehicle will visit him at least once or twice a week.In this way, we have become acquainted with Deva and his son, Peter.Deva speaks only Tamil, but Peter knows some English.We have learned that Deva and his family are Christians.They attend a Tamil congregation at Kodaikanal Central Church.This congregation and their building is a church-plant by Ui Song Presbyterian Church, Ui Song Kyungbuk, Korea in July, 2000.The congregation worships in a typical Tamilian way with energetic music, preaching and prayer during the service.This is shared with the community over several loudspeakers outside the building.The church is located just below our home and we can hear the Sunday services which lasts several hours.

A couple months ago, David had a chance to visit Deva's house.It is one 10x10 foot room with the cooking done in a closet sized space off the main room and an outdoor wash area.It was too small for he, his wife and two sons, so they had been staying in a relative's house nearby.In that house they had a slightly bigger single room with a small porch that they had enclosed with cardboard.That was the space where Peter slept.

David will be going to visit Deva's house again in a few days.We are happy that we have been able to help Deva and his family put a two-room addition onto their house.The improvements also include bringing running water into the kitchen area of the house.Your support of us, to be here in India as your hands and hearts, has allowed us to make life a little easier for a few of our brothers and sisters in Christ in the town of Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu, India.

To God be the Glory!