International Ministries

A Gift Of Christian Unity

October 21, 2002 Journal

Jesus prayed for us on the night before he died.He prayed, "May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me." (John 17:23)Today in the town of Kodaikanal in south India we saw one small answer to that prayer and had a taste of Kingdom Come.

The Kodaikanal International School Church is an ecumenical congregation that welcomes students and staff that come from many denominations and traditions.It strives to honor these different traditions and nurture the faith of those who attend in whatever way brings meaning to them.At times we are more successful at meeting these goals than at others.During the morning worship today the church received those of the school community who wished to join the congregation.There were more than 30 people who came forward to become members.These included Americans from a Missouri Synod Lutheran Church and a Wesleyan Church, Germans from the German Evangelical Lutheran Mission, Hungarian missionaries, Canadians from an Evangelical Free Church, Indians from a wide range of denominational backgrounds – Methodists, Catholics, Orthodox Syrian Christian, someone from the Carey Baptist Church in Calcutta, and a family coming from an Assemblies of God church in the United Arab Emirates.In addition, the German Lutheran couple had a dedication of their one-month old daughter using an American Baptist liturgy.After this we all joined to sing "Blest Be The Tie That Binds."It was truly a gift of Christian unity!

God may have given us this special blessing and expression of unity for this time when it is needed.The political leader of this state of Tamil Nadu is promoting a new law prohibiting religious conversions.The law not only makes it illegal to convert to another religion, but removes any burden of proof from the accuser.If a claim is made in court of a family member being converted that is enough to prosecute or imprison the institution or individuals alleged to be involved.In the past, this state in India has enjoyed religious tolerance, religious freedom and peace.We are now concerned about this effort to stop all evangelistic work and wonder if a time of conflict and persecution may be coming.To protest this law the Christian and Muslim communities in the state are calling for a one-day strike, a "bundh."On October 24thmany schools, institutions and businesses will close their doors as a sign of unity and opposition to the new law.Please pray for the Christians of Tamil Nadu, India.Remember to thank the Lord for the religious freedom you enjoy. And prayerfully consider how God is calling you to support global mission and show unity with the Church of Jesus Christ worldwide.

"Do your best to preserve the unity which the Spirit gives by means of the peace that binds you together."Ephesians 4:3