International Ministries

Opportunity For Witness

February 2, 2003 Journal

As we had hoped, our family has become increasingly involved in the life of the Kodaikanal International School (KIS) Church over the year and a half we have been in India.Dave works with the church sound system.He also is a part of the Praise and Worship Band and sings with the Chapel Choir, or plays the Trumpet, French horn or guitar for special music.Betsy is teaching the fourth grade Sunday school class, is the coordinator of the Sunday school and a representative on the Church Council.Anna has been a part of both the Praise and Worship Band and the Chapel Choir, as well as a member of a high school Barnabas Group (small group Bible study).She tries to make it to most of the Friday morning prayer breakfasts, but 6:30 feels very early some weeks.Lisa has been active in Teen Dimensions, the middle school youth group.Kara is a part of the elementary youth group, God's Messengers.We rejoice that Kara has recently made the decision to be baptized and join the church.She has joined membership classes and is meeting each week with David Brown, our ABC colleague here in Kodaikanal, who will be baptizing her on Easter Sunday.Praise the Lord!

As Betsy considered plans for the Sunday School program last week, she picked up a book on our shelf titled Charting Our Course – Renewing the Church's Teaching Ministry.It is a Judson Press book, authored by Linda Isham of ABC Educational Ministries.As she read, the book directed our thoughts to some of the very unique opportunities the KIS Church has in its teaching ministry.The primary one is that it is a multi-religious group that gathers for worship each Sunday.KIS is a multi-cultural school with students and staff from all the major religions of the world.In the fourth grade Sunday school class Betsy has 2 students from Catholic homes, 2 from the Protestant Church of South India, 2 from Buddhists homes in Bhutan, and 1 from a Buddhist home in Japan.What an incredible opportunity for witness and discussion!One of our great hopes is that we might plant seeds in the hearts of our non-Christian students to desire to learn more about Jesus.At the same time we hope to disciple the children who come from Christian homes, to strengthen their faith and help bring each of them to a point of personal decision for Christ to be the Lord of their lives.

Please pray for the members of the fourth grade Sunday school class:Kilp, Raychen, Shushanth, Tushar, Vivek, Noah, and Sheahan.Pray for Betsy, that she would be both sensitive and bold in sharing the love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Blessings to all,

Dave and Betsy Perkins