International Ministries

Haitians helping Haitians

January 30, 2010 Journal
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Jan 31, 2010
[This is a continuation of yesterday's journal entry]

Almost a week after the earthquake Myrianne’s husband, Max, was able to travel to Port Au Prince and bring Myrianne  home to Limbe to their daughter, Maxianne, age 7, who had been waiting anxiously for her mother.  Their small home is now housing nine of their extended family from Port Au Prince. As the population of Port-au-Prince seeks to leave the devastated city, families all over Haiti have now taken in family members and friends.

Last Sunday as we gathered together at the Seminary Baptist Church here in Haut Limbe, where hundreds gathered to worship together, the pastor urged people to take to heart the words of Jesus in Matt. 25: 35-36 “I was hungry and you gave me food. I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink. I was alone and away from home, and you invited me into your house. I was without clothes and you gave me something to wear. I was sick and you cared for me.  I was in prison and you visited me….I tell you the truth, anything you did for even the least of my people here, you also did for me.” Pastor Manno urged the congregation to visit those who have been injured, help pay for their medical bills, pray with them and take care of the needs of those around you.  Those words were great challenge for them and for all of us as we seek to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Other signs of God working through His people in Haiti;

-A Haitian psychologist forming a therapy group of earthquake survivors for on-going counseling.

-A Haitian doctor in the slums of Port Au Prince working by himself long hours with few supplies

-A Haitian nurse friend of Mme Cherlie Desir in Dabon caring for wounded with few supplies next to demolished clinic a few miles from the epicenter

- Groups of Haitian people in cities near Port-au-Prince handing out free drinking water to busloads of thirsty people arriving from the capital

- The mayor of the second largest city in Haiti, Cap Haitian, sending buses to Port-au-Prince to pick up people wanting to relocate to Cap Haitian

- The Cap Haitian Gymnasium has been converted to a homeless shelter presently housing over 300 people where local citizens and church groups are bringing food, water, and clothing

              These examples and more come to our attention each day as we share in what is happening since the earthquake. It has been deeply moving to us to witness the compassion and sacrificial service of some of the poorest of God’s people reaching out to their fellow countrymen in their distress. Please continue to pray and support Haiti at this time, and may God in Christ continue to bless you.

 Love, in Him,

 Nancy and Steve James

 If you would like to give the the Haiti earthquake relief work please go to this link give