International Ministries

Blessings and Surprises

August 16, 2006 Journal

Thanks so much to each of you who have sent us cards, emails or just lifted us up in prayer as we have made the transition back to Kodaikanal International School in India.I'm sorry we have not responded sooner with an update of what we are doing.Life never seems to lose its capacity to surprise us and the last 6 weeks have held many surprises.

The first surprise was that the staff apartment which we were assigned to was still undergoing major renovations when we arrived.We have been shifted around to other apartments in the meantime, and are still living half-in and half-out of suitcases, as the work continues.One blessing from this was that we ended up taking a little family holiday shortly after we arrived which was very restful and helped in overcoming our jet lag.Another blessing is that in the midst of writing this sentence in fact, we got word that we can stay where we are and really unpack – in an apartment that is more convenient for us in a number of ways than the original assignment (and has a view of Kodai Lake).

The next surprise we faced shortly after our arrival was that Betsy was asked to help in the Dean of Students office, by being the Assistant Dean with responsibilities for the girls and also the health services of the school.This is in addition to continuing to teach Health classes for grades 7 and 8, so her work load immediately doubled!David is the one who had been involved in the administration of the school previously so it came as quite a surprise for Betsy when the request came to her!David was also given a divided assignment, with participating in the school's music department by directing the school band and giving trumpet lessons, in addition to his primary role of project leader for a new outdoor education program on the school's wilderness campus.The blessing in these assignments has been that we have been quickly and completely drawn back into the fabric of life at KIS – for all the joys, frustrations and responsibilities that has meant.I guess blessings don't always have to "feel" good.

Another surprise has come from our participation in the life of The Church That Meets At Kodaikanal International School.David learned that in our absence he was elected to serve again on the church council in leading youth programming.The church is awaiting the arrival of the new Chaplain/Pastor in October so many are taking on additional responsibilities – last Sunday David led the service with the Praise Team, and this Sunday Betsy is leading the service and preaching.We have also stepped in to lead the middle school Sunday school group, in addition to the other ministries we re-joined – the weekly prayer breakfast for high school kids and devotional times in the dormitories.The blessing has been many opportunities to share our faith in Jesus and honor His name.

We know God has more surprises in store for us, but for now we are doing our best to plan for what we expect is coming.David is in Australia for two weeks visiting wilderness campuses and attending an outdoor education conference.We are making preparations to host the Friendship Tour to South India sponsored by International Ministries in early November.In December we hope to visit hospitals and clinics in Northeast India that receive White Cross support in order to help tell their stories.Initial plans are being made for a Discovery Team to come to participate in the life of the school sometime in 2007.Certainly the love and support we receive from our Missionary Partnership Team and Network continues to surprise and bless us incredibly!!


David and Betsy Perkins