International Ministries

The Seeds of God’s Word

August 24, 2006 Journal

We are feeling the heat of summer here in Hiroshima.The rainy season seemed to last late for this year going into July.We all waited for it to end and summer to come.It did, and now we are experiencing the heat of summer wishing for some cool days.

Annually, the Hiroshima Peace Christian Church has a church camp towards the end of July.This year it was on July 23-24.Rev. Tamura's son Manato has been inviting his friends in the Soccer Club at school to come to church.Including his friends and some children that only come to things like camp, we had 38 people this year at our church camp.That is pretty good considering that we normally have about 20 people at church for worship.

Our theme was "God's Love."Our time was divided into such camp activities as orientating, crafts, and playing in a gym and learning about God's love through Bible study and presentations.Even though we had rain most of the time we were there, everyone had a good time cooking over a camp fire, making crafts, singing songs and studying God's word.It was the first time for many of the youth to have any kind of Christian contact.Sunday, August 27, the church will invite especially those who came to camp to church for a light lunch and a time to remember camp and to play some games.Please pray that the seeds of God's word planting in these youth will bear fruit.

May you be encompassed in God's love,

Carolyn Predmore

Missionary to Japan