International Ministries

Thanks from School of Inductive Bible Study, Karen Baptist Convention, Myanmar

April 8, 2010 Journal
Dear Friends
We are thankful to the Lord that the third school of Inductive Bible study is now in the third and last quarter started from March 22 to the end of July 2010.

There was some difficult time during the second school and in the beginning of the third school. Especially, the rent for the house we are using as the school. We are thankful to the Lord for it paid off before the end of December 2009.

We are really thankful to the Lord for Montana SBS, Creekwood Baptist church Illinois, St. James Presbyterians church in New Plymouth,NZ, and other individuals and families both local and oversea for the kind help and support to this need. We are able to continue this bible teaching ministry through your kind help and cooperation. We pray that the Lord will bless you.

Prayer Request:

We are praying fervently that the Lord will provide for us a land bigger and permanent for the school so that we can have more students and expand the ministry. Personally, I would like to see the fourth school in a new permanent place with bigger space about three to five acres wide.

There are number of lands around Yangon that we think good to have. One is 7 acre with a house and one fish pound in it for usd $40,000, second one is 2 acre for around usd $20,000 and the third one is further but 27 acre with plantation of mangoes and guava, two houses and water system in it for usd $ 100,000. But we are praying for clear revelation and word from the Lord. I believe the Lord always has plan for us that is far better than we think and see. Please remember us in prayer.

Second Quarter Breaks

The second quarter was brief, but we were really blessed by a team of three people, Basil McLaren, Martin Woods and Charis Gillman from Taipei YWAM base. We are thankful to the Lord for their teaching, their commitment to the Lord and testimony. They spent more than three weeks teaching five OT books, staff training and some teaching of the DTS. Thank you so much and God bless you friends. I hope they can come again and also invite others to come and teach to our little SIBS.

This year we have early break in March instead of middle of April. There was an opportunity for me and the staff, all together seven of us to take a trip to Thailand visiting some churches in Thailand Karen Baptist Convention and attended BKK10 Inductive Bible study Conference in Bangkok. The trip was sponsored by Rev Dr Stan Slade from American Baptist Churches, International Ministry. He is the man who really has the heart for the inductive bible study and visited us twice a year to teach at our school and to the pastor and church leaders.

During the trip we are able to visit a Bau Kaew Karen Baptist church located Northwest of Chiang Mai. The church is a growing church with three other sister churches and two mission fields. The church has children ministry, computer center, Radio ministry, community development works and care ministry to mother with little babies. I have one day meeting with church elders, one day home cell inductive bible study and one day basis English study with young people. The staffs had ministry with women and youth group.

After spending three days we came back to Bangkok and traveled to Kanchanaburi area southwest of BKK visiting Bethlehem Karen Baptist church in Huay Nam Khau. We had two night bible study and worship service with the church members.

We came back to BKK on the 13th of March to take part in the BKK10 Inductive Bible study Conference from 13th t0 19th of March.  It is a wonderful meeting. Many people from different places come together to study the word of God for a week inductively. The participants were divided into groups, studying the gospel of Mark and the book of Acts.

It was called manuscript bible study and helps participants doing more observation by raising inductive question "Why" and "what do we see" to find out more information that the scripture has to tell us. It is helpful for us to learn how to raise more questions to help us getting attention to the text.

We came back to Myanmar on the 20th of March and held the 2nd Inductive bible study for pastors and church leaders of the KBC from 22nd to 27th of March. This holiday break was quite a busy time for us but it was worthwhile and refreshing. We are able to visit Chiang Rai YWAM base briefly too.

God is good to let us see what we can do many great things through Him and to hear from Him through this trip. Please remember us to have more obedience and be faithful to Him.

In His precious Name,

Saw Daniel

School of Inductive Bible Study

Karen Baptist Convention, Myanmar