International Ministries

The Lord is at Work

May 12, 2005 Journal

Dear Friends,

I hope that you have been having as nice a spring as we have had here in Kobe.It is not just the weather that has been a blessing, but the Lord has touched us and encouraged us in a variety of ways. And we give thanks for your faithful prayers and support. I want to share one of those blessings.

The beginning of May is called Golden Week, because there are several national holidays right together.During this time, the Baptist churches in our area have a spring camp.This year Mr. Ooaka and his son Hiroshi, who is in Jr. High, attended.It is just the 2 of them in their family, and like many Japanese business men, Mr. Ooaka often has to work late.That means that Hiroshi is on his own for dinner and doing homework most nights.It was the first time for the Ooakas to go to camp.Neither of them are Christians, but it was a good chance for them to spend time together, make some new friends, and learn more about the Christian faith.

Each evening after the evening devotion and program, we gathered together with our own church group for a time of sharing and prayer.There were nine of us from the Nishi Okamoto Church, aged 6 to 47. The first evening we shared some of the fun things, and blessing of the day.Then we shared prayer requests.The list was getting long, and I said I didn't think I could remember everything to pray by myself, so Kyo kun, a 5th grader suggested we pray in a circle, each person could pray for one thing.It was a good suggestion.It was the first time for Mr. Ooaka and for Hiroshi to pray out loud, and for each of them it was a bit of a challenge that first time. However I sensed the Lord was opening a door. The second night when Mr. Ooaka prayed he gave thanks for a time of sharing and prayer that he had with another man during that day.Yes, doors are open and the Lord is at work.

Please keep Mr. Ooaka and Hiroshi in your prayers.Hiroshi has dinner with us about twice a week.

We have a group of pastors and lay people from the Pacific Southwest coming to visit us at the beginning of June. Pray for our time together, as they will be sharing with pastors and churches here in our area.

Ami and Alisen, our two oldest are almost out for summer vacation. Andy, our youngest, goes to Japanese school and won't be out till July 20th.Thank you for praying for our family.

Alisen Armagost's Baptism

I promised a picture of our Easter baptism.Here is our daughter Alisen being baptized.I baptized Alisen, Pastor Takahashi baptized Mrs. Maruo.

Grace and Peace,

John and Tomoko Armagost

ABC-USA missionaries in Japan