International Ministries

Surprised by Change

May 15, 2007 Journal
Each Friday morning, 14 ninth grade girls come to my apartment for Bible Study and breakfast. We begin at 6:30 AM and end around 7:30, when many of them need to leave for music lessons. Several of the girls had been sharing for a few weeks about a teacher who seemed to be continually in a bad mood. She seemed to always find something to complain about and the girls felt they were being treated unfairly, the objects of her wrath and punishment. One Friday, we took the entire session to discuss the situation. Then we launched “Operation Miss –“. The girls agreed to treat this teacher with more respect and kindness than they might normally. They agreed to watch for times when she was alone and to make special attempts to talk with her and to let her know they wanted to be friends. They agreed to count to 10 before responding to her when she seemed to be unjust in her decisions. And then we prayed. We didn’t pray to change the teacher, but to change ourselves and our attitudes toward her. I told the girls about a book I had read, Lord, Change Me, by Evelyn Chritiansen. I explained that we should not ask to change another person, only our attitude about that person. The next week, I asked how “Operation Miss---“ was proceeding. EACH of the girls declared that this formerly resented person was now a favorite. It seemed that the day after we started praying about our attitudes, Miss --- miraculously became more at ease and fun with the girls. Our attitudes can change the world. Abraham Lincoln is credited with the saying, “Most of us are about as happy as we make up our minds to be.” How happy are you? How much joy does Christs’ love allow you to share with others? Please remember in your prayers • Friday Morning Bible Study and the 10 Christians, 1 Buddhist, and 5 Hindus that come every week. • The high school boys in Hostel dorm where I work. Many are Hindu, Muslim and Buddhist. • Woodstock School and the staff and students. We need to stay strong in Christian leadership and seek to do the will of God. Yours in Christ, Debbie Mulneix