International Ministries

Sharing Life Together

August 25, 2005 Journal

" Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?" (John 11:25-26)

This morning we learned of a good friend's death. George Boudet, the pastor of First Baptist in Port Angeles, WA who many of you have been praying for died peacefully surrounded by his family. After about a five month battle with cancer, George's body no longer was able to serve him in this world. We do believe that just as he lived in communion with Christ on this earth he will continue to live with Christ in eternity. No longer will the pain of too many tumors cause sleepless nights or loss of appetite.

His now totally healed body is enjoying the tender care of our Lord who Himself suffered much, but came to life again. We will miss the company of a good friend, a servant of Christ, a father, husband, and pastor, but we do still believe that there is a resurrection and that one day we will see each other again. The memories of our life spent together and the journey we've been privileged to share will one day bring a smile where today only tears come.

Not only do our friends in Port Angeles have poignant memories of life shared with George, but our friends here in Costa Rica are feeling the loss of their good friend as well. Two years ago, George and his wife Donna spent a week along with three other members of the Port Angeles Church, in the small coffee community of Santo Tomas. They did not come to build a building or lead a VBS, they came to be. George mentioned while there that this time spent learning from, laughing with and sharing life with his Costa Rican brothers and sisters was teaching him to be a human being and not just a human doing. They built relationships, friendships, and community that continue to bless both congregations today.

When the Santo Tomas Church learned of George's illness they held him and Donna as well as the Port Angeles Church up in their prayers daily. When a group of eight from Costa Rica visited the church in WA for a week in July, they had a chance to visit with, pray for and even dance with George although he was very weak from his chemo treatments. These relationships bring joy as well as pain in separation, but it is worth it. Because we believe that Christ gives us life, both in this world and the next, we take these relationships to heart. Our hearts have been penetrated by our shared life and we long to have them reunited someday. On days like today it is good to be reminded to believe.

Thank you for walking alongside of us in the journey that has connected many of the people and places in our world. Your prayers and support are grace-notes in our lives.

Believing in Life,
