International Ministries

The Sharing of Life

November 23, 2006 Journal

They say death is a part of life and this last week we've had it touch three of our friends in deep ways. Many of you know our executive minister, Johnny Saborio. We were with him on Tuesday at his father's funeral. He and his family were surrounded by many friends and family as they said good-bye unexpectedly to his father. Being there with him as he grieved reminded me of my recent experience of saying good-bye to my own Dad.

Yesterday, David, the Costa Rican young man who lives with us, found out that his cousin Andres who had been in a coma for two weeks following a car accident died on Wed. Andres was 24, a blow to our sensibilities that a life too shortly lived was cut off before its time. Many of you who have visited us on work and mission trips this last year have gotten to know David and his sensitive heart.

  • Please pray for comfort and understanding for he and his family.

About five minutes ago we received a phone call from Ejido, our friend who many of you have met as your transportation guy while here in Costa Rica. He just wanted to call and let us know that his Dad died today. He didn't need anything, but because we have a relationship with him as friends he wanted us to know.

  • For those of you who have been blessed by Ejido and Cody's caring service while traveling in Costa Rica, we ask that you bless them now with your prayers as they grieve the loss of their father.

Getting to know people brings both opportunities to laugh and to cry, to share all of life. Because you have shared life and ministry with us we also wanted you to know of the significant events happening in the lives of the friends you've come to know through your visits, our updates or through your prayers on our behalf.

We appreciate your prayers and so do our Costa Rican brothers and sisters, who just like you face death daily trusting that God's grace will carry them through.

Yours in partnership on the Way,

Mylinda, Gary, Jamie, and Micah Baits along with David and Chelsea