International Ministries

Cholera Outbreak: Community Health Partners Respond

October 24, 2010 News
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We want to update you on the cholera epidemic as we are now experiencing it in Haiti. Daily we hear of more cholera cases arriving in the communities of the north. So far, all have originated in the Artibonite valley, 60 miles from us, where the epidemic started.

Although, as of this moment, we hear reports that the epidemic may have been contained, the threat of spread to the earthquake devastated communities in the south and ultimately to the whole country is still very large.

To date we have not treated any cholera cases, but our team of health care providers and partners has been involved in community education and prevention in the vulnerable communities around us. We are preparing the community clinics to receive and treat large numbers of affected people in hopes of being able to contain the disease.

Steve worked in the Ebenezer Community Health Center, Haute Limbé, on October 22, where no cholera cases were presented. Nancy has been preparing and helping to distribute educational materials to providers and educators in the local communities. In the next few days we plan to help two community health centers set up cholera treatment protocols and treatment centers.

Ministry funds from the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and the American Baptist Churches have been given to help purchase and transport medical supplies (IV solutions, oral rehydration salts, bleach and soap), procured by Christian partners in the Dominican Republic. These funds will also be used to help the treatment centers care for the very sickest and help contain the spread of the infection through health education and primary health care at the centers.

We have also been working with Rev. Joel Dorsainville, Coordinator of Disaster Relief Services for the Haitian Baptist Convention, updating and coordinating efforts within the churches of Haiti.

On Sunday we participated in a conference on solar generated water purification for the poorest communities called SODIS ( Since the earthquake in January this program of teaching communities to produce their own clean drinking water has been operating in Haiti through the work of one of our partners, the Medical Ambassadors of Haiti (Community Health Evangelists) and their village health workers.

We have been in communication with our CBF Field Personnel nurse, Jenny Jenkins, who is working in Grand Goave and Port-au-Prince. She, and ABC Missionary, Deliris Carrion, are working together to prepare the local communities for the possible arrival of cholera cases in their area. To date, she has reported one cholera case hospitalized in Grand Goave having arrived from the Artibonite.

The Haitian Public Health Department is planning to set up cholera treatment centers. We are in the process of trying to help provide cots for these centers through the help of our partner, Missionary Flights International (MFI).

If a large number of cholera cases develop here in the north, there is concern that there will be a shortage of IV fluids, oral rehydration salts, and antibiotics. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the international community are involved and may be able to supply these needs in time.

We ask for your prayers:
•    for protection for all at risk in Haiti
•    for the necessary education prevention measures to be implemented
•    for the necessary medical supplies to reach the sick
•    for strength and wisdom for those working in Haiti
•    that we all might serve in Christ-like love.

In Him,

Steve and Nancy James

ABC International Ministries/CBF Global Missions
Tel 828-355-5862
Cell (US) 904-657-8816
Cell (Haiti) +509-3-774-3207