International Ministries

US Consul General visits New Life Center

October 31, 2010 Journal
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21 October, 2010

Dear Friends,

First of all, I’d like to thank you for praying for me and the NLCF staff as we went through the process of our strategic planning meetings last month.  The meetings went as well as could be expected, and we’re about 75% finished in terms of agreeing on our goals and objectives for our new project cycle.

We do this type of strategic planning every three years. We look at our resources and activities, and make sure that everything we do is directly related to our mission and vision. For example, we ask: how many emergency cases should we expect to help over the upcoming project cycle? Developing clear outcomes helps us all focus on our essential mission and our priorities. I’ve worked in not-for-profit organizations for the past 22 years, so I do enjoy all of this!

There are a few NLCF activities about which there is no still no staff consensus, and decisions need to be made about these things within the next four weeks. Please continue to pray that God gives us His wisdom and guidance, so that everything we do is in alignment with His ideal will for our ministry. Thank you…!

In addition to these important meetings last month, we’ve had the pleasure of hosting some VIP guests lately. Mr. Dean Tidwell is the new “Economic Section Chief” for the U.S Consulate here in Chiang Mai; his work relates to Burma border issues and trafficking, and he is very familiar with ABC/IM mission work in this region. We also hosted Ms. Susan Stevenson (the new Consul General) and a group of staff from the U.S. House Appropriations Committee. The New Life Center staff and I were delighted to meet everyone, and get a chance to thank them for the U.S. government’s funding and support of our programs.

Our regional anti-trafficking work is growing stronger and stronger. Last month, Ms. Anna Pawnjaruenphun led  an anti-trafficking & safe migration campaign among the Hmong tribal group. This was the first time that we did a campaign among the Hmong; over 1,000 people participated, and (through drama skits, games and songs) learned how to protect themselves from all forms of labor abuse.

This past July, 2010, Anna also began a radio program broadcast throughout the Chiang Rai province which provides information about labor laws in Thailand, and what information ethnic minorities need to know before they become employed. The program is garnering great interest and fielding lots of calls from listeners. Continuing our local, regional, and international anti-trafficking work in these creative ways is definitely a priority!

 I am so blessed by the opportunity to live and serve in Thailand. It’s hard for me to believe that I’ve been here for almost eleven years already! God has blessed the ministry of the New Life Center Foundation and I am so privileged to see His presence, grace and love manifested here in so many ways. Through your support of the World Mission Offering, each one of you has a part in the phenomenal impact of this ministry. Thank you, thank you for this love and support!

With love and appreciation,


Christ’s servant and yours

