International Ministries

Message From the Binkleys MPT

December 1, 2010 Journal
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                           DUANE AND MARCIA BINKLEY’S


December, 2010

Dear Friends of Duane and Marcia Binkley,

We wish you joy and peace during this holiday season as you celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus and pray God will bless you in the New Year ahead.

The Binkley’s have been called to assist in establishing a vital Karen Baptist church here in the US among the 60,000 legal immigrants from Burma who have settled across the country from coast to coast. With your loving support God has blessed this ministry in many wonderful ways and fruit continues to be borne for Christ and His Kingdom among these people because of Duane and Marcia's dedicated and persistent work. 

Those of us who know the compassion that Duane and Marcia have for the Karen people are asking you to empower their ministry with a special year-end gift in any amount. No gift is too small. It is not the amount of your gift, but the fact that you care enough to show your support and to stand with the Binkley's at this critical time in their work. Knowing you are there standing with them is what matters most.

As Duane and Marcia walk by faith in their calling to build up the Body of Christ among those coming from the refugee camps on the Thai-Burma border, we would ask you to consider taking a step of faith yourself and commit to being a regular donor. A commitment to regular support would go even further in enabling the Binkley’s to continue their important ministry.  If you are a regular donor already, please accept our sincere gratitude!  If you are not, now would be a great time to take that extra step to ensure the Binkley’s support is provided for in 2011 and beyond.  Their current “Personalized Support Goal” (PSG) reflects an increase over last year so the challenge is always growing.

We hope that you will take just a few minutes and click here to make your commitment for ongoing support, or a special year-end gift to the Binkley's ministry.  

Please remember to pray for the Binkleys and their ministry. Please remember also to pray for their three children: Sean (22), Erin (19) and Shannon (17). Thank you!

We appreciate very much your past support and involvement in the Binkley’s ministry and we look forward to continued partnership with you in the coming year(s).   

Sincerely Yours by His Grace,

The Missionary Partnership Team for Duane and Marcia