International Ministries

New Life

January 10, 2011 Journal
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Khetiwe is a 38 year old woman who was born in rural Zululand, South Africa. At 18, she left her home and went to the nearest big city looking for work.  She had one child from a boyfriend who soon left her.  She came back to her birthplace and eventually found herself caring for 11 other children from relatives that had either died or left to work in the city.   She cut reeds and did washing for her neighbors.  When she earned enough she would buy cement that she could use to make bricks to build a house. 

Three years ago, Chadd and Kate Bain from Izulu Mission Project found Khetiwe dying of AIDS in a shack that was falling apart.  Because 30% of the people in KwaZulu-Natal are HIV positive, Chadd and Kate commonly encounter situations like this one on their outreaches.  Many African women have died from AIDS leaving countless orphans.  The good news is that Khetiwe’s story ends differently.  Chadd and Kate took Khetiwe for treatment and three years later she is still in good health.  Khetiwe told me that, “Chadd loved me and shared Jesus.” 

About a year ago, Chadd and Kate arranged for us to train health builders from this community.  Chadd invited Khetiwe to take part.  A few days after our first training session with Khetiwe and other trainees from Izulu Orphan Project, Chadd died in a motorcycle accident.  Khetiwe has completed her health builder training and is screening her neighbors for high blood pressure, diabetes and HIV.  She is referring them to government health clinics and providing health education.  Khetiwe is sharing the new life that she has found.