International Ministries

Volunteers and Heart-Felt Emotions

February 2, 2011 Journal
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It takes faith to be a short-term or volunteer missionary. It takes courage to step into a different culture and to share your faith when you cannot speak the language.  It takes trust in the Lord to let your love be shown through your action, when words are not always understood. 

The other evening, Nao came to our Friends Friday fellowship time.  She is a member of the Nishi Okamoto Church, but because she is a full-time nurse, we don’t see her very often on Sunday mornings.  She works at a Christian hospital in Osaka. That is, she did work at the hospital. She stopped by to join the fellowship and Bible-study time, but also to tell us some “exciting news”.  She quit her job! Actually as I write this letter, Nao is in the Philippines studying ‘nursing English’ for 6 weeks.  Then it is off to Cambodia to volunteer as a nurse for a few weeks before she returns to Japan, and begins work at another hospital where she has already secured a position.

We are proud of Nao. We are thrilled that she is willing to put her faith into action, and to let the Lord use her gifts and skills. By the way, as I write this, Yoichiro, a medical student and member of the church, is preparing for his med school final exams.  Then he is planning to spend his spring break as a volunteer somewhere overseas, perhaps with some of our ABC IM missionaries.  These are two of the young people who we have had the privilege of getting to know here in Japan.  They are the church of Japan today!

Heart Felt!

One of the youth that we have known since he was in grade school was over at our home a while back. He has faced many challenges in his life, including abuse at home. I guess our home has been kind of a refuge when things were hard. He has slept on our sofa more than once over the years.  Last spring, he graduated from high school, he got a job, and now lives with his grandfather.  It isn’t a great job, but his boss really appreciates his willing attitude.

As he was leaving our home the other night, Tomoko asked, “Do you have everything? You didn’t leave anything did you?”  He answered, “Just my heart.”

There are things that money cannot buy.  We have been blessed in ways that are richer than can be expressed in words. It is a privilege to be here on your behalf, sharing the love of God and the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Thank you for allowing us to serve here in Japan.

Prayer Points

• Pray for Nao as she volunteers in Cambodia
• Pray for Yoichiro as he prepares for his exams and then as he volunteers
• Pray for the youth of Japan, and praise for answered prayers and lives that are touched by God.

Praise for you, and each one who has committed to partner with us and the Lord in sharing the Gospel in Japan.  Your gifts of support bless us!
Grace and Peace,

John and Tomoko   

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