International Ministries

Equipping Leaders

September 30, 2001 Journal

One of the projects we worked with when we previously lived in Thailand (1982-1992) was a scholarship program, which provided the means for tribal Pwo Karen children to receive an education at various local Thai schools. Most came from isolated villages in the mountains where they had no schools. The scholarship program supported hostels or dormitory facilities in larger towns where these children could stay while attending school. The program also supplied term fees, books, uniforms, supplies and school lunches. When we worked with this program, most of the Pwo Karen students were the first ones in their families and often in their whole village to get any kind of formal education.

When we returned to Thailand in 1998, after a six-year absence, we met some of the former students we had known years earlier. They had continued with their education, graduated, and were serving the Lord in various positions of leadership in the growing Pwo Karen church. One student, Saman, graduated from a local Bible college and works with a program that trains pastors and local church leaders in church structure, development and doctrine. Apirak, another student, also graduated from a Bible school and now heads a team of 16 Pwo Karen evangelists working in the Pwo villages reaching their own people with the Good News of Jesus. The Pwo traditionally are animists who worship spirits. Now, there are six established churches among the Pwo Karen and seven other congregations that are in the process of becoming full churches. In the rural Mae Sariang area where we used to live and work, about 1,500 Pwo Karen Christians now live scattered in the various villages among the hills. This area will soon become an official association of the larger Karen Baptist Convention, which has a long history as one of the local partner groups that International Ministries/ABC have worked with over the years.

We are grateful to God for the ways he has worked in the lives of these Pwo Karen men students were former scholarship students. Little did we know that when we planted the seeds of learning years ago, they would respond with such dedication and enthusiasm…but God knew! Many missionaries "plant seeds" and never actually witness the fruits of their labors. We feel especially blessed that the Lord allowed us the opportunity to reunite with Apirak and Saman. We rejoice that they have chosen to use their education and skills to serve the Lord and to help their own people.