International Ministries

Transitions in Ministry

July 26, 2007 Journal
Dear Friends, This is an exciting time of transition in my ministry in Nanjing. I have just moved across town from an apartment at my former school to an apartment provided by for me by Jinling Union Theological Seminary in Nanjing. Yes, that's the wonderful news! I'll be teaching general English for the seminary freshman in order to prepare them to receive and communicate with all of you when you visit the churches they serve in various parts of China in the future and to enable them to read theological articles from around the world. I'll also be teaching Biblical English for the juniors and theological English for the seniors. In addition, I may also have the opportunity to help some current pastors coming back for continuing education to improve their English skills as well. From now on, I'll actually be receiving my mail at the seminary and I just received my box number there last Wednesday as I began to move into an apartment right across the street from the campus. In addition to my teaching, I will continue with the various other aspects of my responsibilities through the Amity Foundation here in Nanjing and as liaison to the other Amity projects that we are supporting, including AIDS orphans in Henan Province and village clinics in Ningxia and Gansu. At the current moment, I am preparing to go to Shanghai to help with the debriefing for the volunteer Summer English Program teams that have been providing three weeks of intensive oral English training for Chinese secondary teachers of English. We in International Ministries have had three teams this year. What a blessing it has been to have them here in Inner Mongolia, Shandong Province and Jiangsu Province. • Pray for wonderful opportunities for these 14 people to share with our churches throughout the country. • Pray about whether you or someone you know might be called to volunteer in this program next summer. The day after the Summer English Program teachers wing their way home, I and another Amity colleague will be meeting several incoming 2-year Amity teachers as they arrive in Shanghai. • Pray for these folks as they say their goodbyes to family and friends at home; pray for their safe journeys to China; and • pray for them as they adapt to life and service in a culture different from their own. • Pray about whether you or someone you know might be called to serve for two years in a similar way in the future. May God continue to bless all that we do together to serve our Lord alongside our partners here in China and around the world. Peace, Judy Sutterlin