International Ministries

Christmas Greetings

January 5, 2003 Journal

Dear Friends,

Greetings to you all at Christmas!When in Thailand, we sometimes think that if it was just colder outside it might feel more like Christmas.Well, here we are in America this year, it has been and is cold and there has even been snow on the ground, but the calendar moves so fast any more that I still sometimes have trouble grasping that Christmas is here.But the decorated tree in the middle of the room tells me this is Christmas and we hope you all have a joyous time of celebrating Christ's birth.

It has been a special time for us already just being able to be here in the U.S.The snow has been fun and we've been able to go sled riding.That was a top priority for the kids this year so we're glad it has already worked out.I imagine we'll have more opportunities before long.We also helped our local church with their outdoor, live nativity.Our kids enjoyed playing different roles even if it was a bit cold.Mom and Dad even got called into service.After 4 years in the tropics, winter temperatures are an adjustment but we survived and didn't seem to shiver much more than the others.We have plans to spend some time with close relatives over the holidays too so we look forward to that.Having been gone for 4 years and planning to go again, our family has been extra generous giving gifts, especially to the kids, so there is a bulging pile under and around the tree.

It has been interesting to see some of the adjustments the kids have had to make to being in the U.S. after having been in Thailand.While still in Thailand, we started to give the kids lessons in how to keep water under control in the bathroom.Thai bathrooms are designed so that water can be splashed anywhere and the kids were quite used to that.They had to be taught how to keep water in the sink and just how a shower curtain and bathtub could work together to keep all the water in the tub rather than on the floor.They were quite surprised to know that some people even have carpeted bathrooms in the U.S.

Four years is close to eternity in kid time, so they had forgotten all about how to wear hats, gloves, boots, scarves and such.It was quite exciting for them to get all dressed up to go outside when it first got cold and they still have to have some coaching about what goes where.They still have trouble remembering just where they are sometimes.Just recently we asked Sean to take the garbage out to the street.He was bare foot, but he jumped up and was ready to wade through the snow.He grumbled some when we made him put shoes on first, an inconvenience he never would have had to deal with in Thailand.All the changes in the weather are another adjustment.In Thailand, one can pretty well predict the weather months in advance.In the rainy season it rains and in the dry season it doesn't.There isn't a lot of variation from day to day.Here we all find ourselves very interested in the weather reports and watching the thermometer move up and down is one of our family entertainments.

Variety adds spice to life though, so it is a treat for us to be in the U.S. this year.The Lord has been so good to us to give us a variety of experiences and let us see a variety of people and places.

We've been really pleased with the way the kids have settled in to the schools here this year.With the completion of the recent grading period Sean made the merit role, Erin made the honor role and we learned that Shannon had scored the highest score in the reading proficiency exam among all the 4th graders in the school system.Thanks for your prayers on their behalf!

Greetings again to you all at Christmas.What a blessing that God sent His Son to be among us!It is certainly a reason to celebrate.May He lead and guide you throughout the coming year.

Yours in Christ,

Duane & Marcia Binkley