International Ministries

Coffee Beans and Water Projects

April 11, 2011 Journal
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Dear Partners,


Here are some highlights from Mike and Becky's ministries in Thailand. 

Prayer Requests:

1.  For good health and safety for all work teams and staff at the villages.

2.  That the teams will show God's love in the villages, and they will have many opportunities to witness to the villagers.

3.  Mike and Becky's support level is critically low. Please continue to pray that the Lord will move many to respond to our support appeal letter in order to reach the 80% personal support goal this fiscal year. If their goal is not reached, they may have to resign. 

Mike arranged for Bonnie and Tommy LimSan to visit a local village.  Below is their report.

Blessings to each and everyone,

Mike and Becky's Missionary Partnership Team

Our Special Experience 

Spending the night at the village is an experience I will never forget.  Bonnie and I had some private time with Mr. Muan Jai after dinner, about 15 minutes.  He asked, through a translator, if we were Christians and we said yes.  That made him happy.

He said when the concept of growing coffee was brought up to his village, he just knew it was good because it was Christians that introduced it.   He told us that before they grew coffee, the village was very poor.  Life was now much better.

What capped off the evening was when he asked where we were from.  We said we were from the First Chinese Baptist Church in San Francisco. Without any hesitation, he walked into his bedroom and minutes later we were pointing together with him where San Francisco and Thailand were on the globe.  We were fortunate that we were able to capture the moment in a photograph. We will forever remember this moment but most of all the faithfulness of Mr. Muan Jai.


Bonnie and Tommy LimSan  

Francisco First Chinese Baptist Church