International Ministries

New Year Challenges

January 20, 2003 Journal

Dear Friends,

Greetings in this new year that we have been given.One of our challenges may be remembering to write 2003 on our checks even though it may still seem strange to start a year off with 20 rather than 19.But an even bigger challenge will be to see what new directions the Lord would have us go in this new year.I think the Lord loves to give us new things.Looking through the Bible we can see the Lord will give us a new song, a new heart, new attitudes, new hope and even new life.In Revelations 21, God says He is making everything new.A new year is just one of His many gifts.

A year ago at Christmas, I was with a group of Karen standing on top of a mountain.We were a good ways south of the town of Mae Sot, looking out over a broad, flat plain toward the small Thai town of Umphang.On most maps, the area below us looks rather empty.Beyond Umphang, all the way to Sanklaburi where we have the Kwai River Christian Hospital, most maps are totally blank.But in reality, the whole area is sprinkled with Karen villages.Some villages are quite large.But there aren't many roads or Thai towns in the area so the mapmakers look at it as blank. – Nothing there.

But God knows there are thousands of His people there.They are mostly Karen and mostly worshipping spirits, although Buddhism is starting to reach into the area.So God is leading His people among the Christian Karen in new directions to reach out to the people in all these villages.We just received word from Karen evangelism leaders based in Chiang Mai that there are a total of 23 Christian evangelists, some living in the area and some that will be traveling back and forth, that will begin new efforts to bring the Gospel to the people in this area.They will be coming from the north, reaching south.

From the other direction, church leaders from the Kwai River area are looking to reach out to their north and take the Gospel into the other end of this area.In some ways this is a new effort, but in other ways it is a renewing of an old goal.The original idea of starting work in the Sanklaburi area back in the 1960s was to be able to reach into this area to the north.But, an armed Communist insurgency movement became centered in this rather remote area and thwarted any evangelistic outreach.But now, perhaps God is opening new doors and leading new workers in this direction.

There are other blank spots on the maps of Thailand that aren't empty at all.There is a remote area where Om Koi and Tak Provinces meet which is home to a pocket of 20 some villages that Karen Christian leaders also want to reach with the Gospel.

The Lahu Christians have areas they are working to reach for Christ as do the Akha and Chinese.

We as missionaries and as a mission have various roles in supporting this work and you enable these local Christians to evangelize through your prayers and support.We hope you feel it is your work too as the Lord needs us all to work together.

God has given us the gift of a new day in a new year.He offers us the same new song, new heart, new attitude, new hope, and new life He is offering the people of Thailand and every other country in the world.It is exciting to get something new and exciting to start something new.South of Mae Sot we can stand on the mountaintop and look out at one area God is calling local Christians to reach.When we look out the windows of our homes or churches is God calling us to reach out in any new directions?God says, "I am making everything new."As this new year begins, let us each let Him make us new and lead us where He would have us to go.

As a family we continue to do well.As I write this there is a foot of snow on the ground and summer seems a long way off.Yet, the calendar tells us in just 4 ½ months we'll be back in Thailand.That doesn't sound like much time!So, we're starting to make preparations for our return.

We appreciate all your prayers and support!

Yours in Christ,

Duane & Marcia Binkley