International Ministries

Christ Can Give Us Life

March 28, 2005 Journal

Happy Easter from Thailand!

Coming from the northern part of the US, I remember the comparisons of Christ rising from death with the greening of nature in the spring after the apparent death like state of winter.When first arriving in Thailand where there is no winter, I assumed comparing Christ's resurrection with nature would no longer work.But I was wrong.In fact, maybe the comparison works even better.

This is the hottest, driest time of year.It hasn't rained really since November and probably won't rain with any consistency until May or June.Dust and smoke is everywhere.The sun is scorching hot, even by Thai standards.Now the humidity is starting to rise too, further lowering the comfort level.Especially in the mountains where the soil is shallow, the trees all lose their leaves leaving vast areas without a trace of shade.Ground fires start easily fueled by the dry fallen leaves and broad areas of undergrowth burn at will.The black ground that remains after the fires further absorbs the heat.Walking through these shade-less, burned out areas, one can almost feel the heat sucking the energy from your body.It seems desert like, lifeless.

But also at this time of year, when it is the very hottest and driest and everything appears the most lifeless, an astonishing thing occurs.On some plants, soft, new, clean, bright green leaves burst out.Certain other trees burst out in flower.Where they get the energy and the moisture, I have no idea but the contrast is great.A vibrant, living plant stands out against all the lifeless and burned out surroundings.Where it looked like nothing but death, there is really life after all.

On Good Friday, I visited a refugee camp on the Thai/Burma border.We walked in at lunch time for a large group of children from the camp orphanages.Undoubtedly, had we stopped to speak with the children we would have heard stories of suffering and loss.But in the midst of their suffering, they have a place to live, people that care for them, a home and hope.Their happy chatter showed signs of life not unlike a bright new leaf on a barren mountainside.

We were ushered into a meeting area where we met with a group of refugee students at the Bible school.It is the "summer break" for them, but they can't leave the camp.Dr. Simon who heads the school said since the students and teachers are there anyway, they don't want to "waste" time so they continue to study.Their faces are eager and their minds are sharp.They sing some songs for us as only the Karen can do from the heart and with contagious enthusiasm.It is much like those trees flowering brightly in the midst of the dry, lifeless hot season.

Jesus came so we might have life and have it abundantly.He suffered mightily at that first Easter.It appeared he was defeated.It appeared he was dead.But when it seemed all hope was lost, Christ arose victorious.Defeat had been turned to victory.Death had been turned into life, and that life is available to us.

At times we might feel like we're in the midst of a hot, dry and desolate season.We might feel like we have been defeated.But if we look around, even in the bleakest times, Christ can give us life and give it abundantly.He suffered, died, and rose again just to make it available.Thank you Lord!May we enjoy life in Christ in the coming year.

Happy Easter!

Duane & Marcia