International Ministries

Encourage the Teachers

October 16, 2005 Journal

Dear Friends,

This is the 4th in a series we are writing to encourage participation in the World Mission Offering.Again this year, the offering is critical to the ongoing mission efforts of International Ministries.Last year, the members of the American Baptist Churches blessed us with a fantastic response to the World Mission Offering and prevented the cutting of missionaries.The goal this year is for an increase of 10% above last year. In the midst of so many needs around the world, this is a huge challenge, but we have a great God, which gives us great hope that another miracle can be worked this year.

Last week we wrote about students getting assistance to study in refugee camps.A related effort is to try and bolster the schools inside Burma.With the army attacking periodically, this is a particular challenge, but facilities are built of readily available bamboo.They burn easy, but are likewise, easily rebuilt.Even as the army approaches, and the village evacuates, teachers will hold classes out in the forests, sometimes using the face of flat rocks as chalk boards.When the army leaves, the church and the school are often some of the first buildings that are rebuilt.

The Baptist churches in the refugee camps have very limited resources and limited opportunity to reach the outside world but they still try to encourage the teachers inside the border areas of Burma.Last year, International Ministries along with some other mission organizations helped these churches provide a 1000 Baht (about $25) stipend to some 160 teachers working inside Burma.For most or all of these teachers, this was their only paycheck for the year and it is used to provide school materials as well as personal needs.It isn't nearly enough but it shows that someone cares and offers a little hope and encouragement.

Your support of the World Mission Offering no matter how large or small offers us the same kind of encouragement and hope.Combined with the gifts from other American Baptist Churches, it also allows all the missionaries and work of International Ministries to continue.Thanks for giving us hope!

Yours in Christ,

Duane & Marcia Binkley