International Ministries

Follow the Lord and Work Together

October 26, 2005 Journal

Dear Friends,

This past summer, with the cooperation of Koinonia Camp & Conference Center in northeast Ohio, we helped send Philip Singkor, the General Secretary of the Lahu Baptist Convention to work for a while during the summer camping season.It was an experiment and a learning experience for all.

While in the US, Philip got to visit several churches in northeast Ohio.When he returned, I asked him what his impressions of these churches were.He replied that seeing that the summer programs of Camp Koinonia are all run by volunteers really impressed him.He was also impressed that several associations of churches would organize themselves to work together to own and operate the camp.Sunday schools and the organized training of children in the churches also made a positive impression.

Thinking of our time in Thailand, and listening to the visitors that pass through visiting the mission work here, I know there are also many lessons we can learn from the Thai and tribal people we work with.People with so little are so eager to give giving new meaning to the words generosity and hospitality.With little financial or physical reward, we see many people dedicated to the Lord and willing to serve.Recognition that everything comes from the Lord and not from our own efforts, the importance of people over success or things are other examples.

One of the biggest things I have learned though, is very similar to what impressed Philip in America.The lesson is that there is unstoppable power when people follow the Lord and work together.The most powerful bomb or the most terrible storm may cause a lot of damage, but will eventually lose to a people united in their purpose.The saddest thing though, is to watch that power dissolve when people divide and squabble.

For nearly 200 years, the American Baptist Churches have worked together to take the Gospel of Christ around the world.Perhaps being in this part of the world, next door to where Adonirum Judson first began his work in Burma so long ago makes us more aware of the history of our own mission.The positive reverberations of that work are still being felt and the churches started then are still leading people to Christ often in extremely difficult circumstances today.

The World Mission Offering is a great way to unite as a church to take the Gospel around the world.Again this year the challenge is huge with a 10% increase over last year being needed to insure the maintenance of our current numbers of missionaries and levels of partner support.The theme for the offering is "Abound in Hope" and we are praying for a uniting of efforts by everyone so that the American Baptist Churches can be an unstoppable force for Christ for many years to come.

In His name,

Duane & Marcia Binkley