International Ministries

Deplorable Indifference

November 30, 2007 Article


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Stories about what’s happening in the Darfur region of Sudan are seldom on the front pages of our newspapers. This absence of attention is especially disturbing as we consider that these stories are some of the most horrific events of our times. Hundreds of thousands of Black Africans are being slain by Arab tribal groups in a saga of ethnic cleansing that is beginning to resemble the Holocaust suffered by the Jews. When we learned of what happened to six million Jews during World War II we said, “Never again!” But it is happening again—and those who can stop it are doing almost nothing about it.

The government of Sudan gives evidence of deliberately turning its back on the people of Darfur. This is especially troubling to Christians because those who are being raped, tortured, displaced and killed are, for the most part, fellow believers, while those who are doing the persecuting are Muslims. Thus, the struggles of the Darfur people not only have racial overtones, but also have some of the markings of religious persecution. Here are some questions we have to ask ourselves:

1. If the people of Darfur were white instead of black, would we be ignoring what is happening?
2. Have we become so preoccupied with Iraq that we have become distracted from what is an even greater loss of life in Sudan?
3. Are we Americans becoming isolationists who are reluctant to use our influence when we can make a difference, and do God’s will?

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-- Tony Campolo

Dr. Tony Campolo is an American Baptist minister, who serves as an associate in global mission with International Ministries. Campolo is founder of Evangelical Association for the Promotion of Education (EAPE), and one of the initial endorsers of Evangelicals for Darfur.