International Ministries

Travel This New Road

January 18, 2006 Journal

Dear Friends,

We wanted to let you know that on December 30th we got word that Marcia has breast cancer.She did some research on the medical care available here in Thailand vs. that in the US and decided she would rather have the treatment in the US.In particular, she wanted to go to the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio.It has a highly regarded breast cancer center and is close to family members.

Getting an appointment at the Clinic has been problematic.I suppose normally, one would move up through a series of referrals before finally reaching the Breast Cancer center.While we have the preliminary work done here already, we are outside the "system" so it has not been easy to break through the administrative layers.But we are very grateful for Dr. Don Langford who serves as a medical advisor for the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, one of the partner groups we work with here.He and others have been advocating on our behalf and yesterday (Jan 12th) we finally got word that we have an appointment at the Cleveland Clinic breast cancer center for Wednesday, Jan. 18th.

So Marcia and Duane have tickets to leave for the US tomorrow night (Friday, Jan. 13), arriving in Cleveland, Ohio around noon on Saturday, Jan 14th.We will stay at Duane's mother's house.The kids will stay here in Chiang Mai so they can attend school.They will be partially on their own, but be looked after by Pat Brown who lives next door and other missionary friends.

Duane plans to stay in the US for three weeks.Hopefully, that is long enough for Marcia to get her situation fully analyzed, a course of treatment prescribed and any surgery completed.Marcia will stay on in the US until the treatment is complete.Hopefully, that won't take too long, but we suspect it could be several months or more.Maybe she will stay there until we all go to the US for home assignment in June.We'll just have to see.

At any rate, Duane should be back in Thailand on Feb. 7th and will carry on with work and look after the kids.Since Duane will be the only parent around, it will limit the traveling he can do but there is plenty to do close to home as well.

As word of Marcia's situation has been spread, we have been humbled and uplifted by the prayers and support that so many have offered us here locally and around the world.Marcia already has a thick folder of notes that people have sent her.With so many prayers, we're feeling armored with God's love and care and we are very grateful.We appreciate your prayers as well!

In particular, we'd like to praise God for the appointment at the Cleveland Clinic.That is a big relief for us.Now we'd ask for smooth and safe travels back to the US.We'd also ask for guidance and wisdom as the extent of the cancer is investigated and a plan for treatment is developed.We'd also ask for peace and comfort as the family is divided for a time and especially that the kids get along well as they are left here in Chiang Mai.

Again we appreciate the support you have offered us through the years and thank you for your prayers as we travel this new road that is now before us.

Yours in Christ,

Duane & Marcia Binkley