International Ministries

Update on My Health Situation

February 20, 2006 Journal

Dear Friends,

I wanted to send you an update on my health situation since being diagnosed with breast cancer in late December.I met with the doctor who did the surgery for me at the Cleveland Clinic on Jan. 24th.He said the further biopsy tests confirmed that the cancer had not spread into the lymph nodes and that further samples taken from the perimeter of the tumor site also confirm no presence of cancer cells.This was great news!Then, in the afternoon I met with an oncologist to find out what the recommendations are for further treatment.He told us that even though all the tests so far indicate the cancer has not spread, I am still considered to be in a higher risk category due to the larger size of the tumor- 3 cm and that I am fairly young (pre-menopausal).Therefore, I will need to have a three phase treatment plan.The first phase will be eight sessions of chemotherapy with two week intervals between each session, so about four months in all.This will be followed by a month "rest" period before beginning phase two which is 5 to 7 weeks of radiation therapy, 5 days a week.Then, finally during the maintenance phase I will take an oral drug called "Tamoxifen" which will suppress the estrogen levels in my body (estrogen feeds the growth of cancer cells) for about five years. I will also have to be monitored and checked four times a year, ongoing for some years to come.

While we are somewhat dismayed by the lengthy treatment process, the plan they are proposing will give me the best prognosis for recovery and will decrease the chance for any possible recurrence of the cancer.So, at this point my return to Thailand before June is still uncertain, although my hope and prayer is that I will feel well enough to travel back to Thailand during the month-long break in the treatments to attend our son Sean's graduation from high school.Then we will travel back to the USA as a family to begin our year of Home-assignment. Duane returned safely to Thailand on Feb. 6th and I am staying with Duane's mom near Akron, Ohio while I finish the chemo treatments. I had my first chemo session on Wed. Feb. 8th.The medicine made me feel weak in my body, queasy in my stomach, with sinus congestion, and a headache.Then on Thurs., I got a shot that will help build up my white blood cell count in my bone marrow so I don't get sick if I'm exposed to other germs. The shot made me ache in my bones and muscles. I am grateful that the effects were not very severe and only lasted about three days. My next chemo session is on Wed. Feb. 22nd followed by the shot on the 23rd.It will be interesting to see how my body will respond this next time.

Please pray for these specific needs:

We thank you for your continued prayers and for those who have sent cards and notes to me. They have been such a source of strength and encouragement to my spirit during this difficult time.We know God is in control and His love will see us through the days, weeks and months ahead.

Much Love,
