International Ministries

Become a long-term missionary

February 15, 2012 Article


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*For U.S. citizens and holders of U.S. permanent resident status only.

Is God calling you to engage in long term-mission?

As the first Baptist mission agency in North America, American Baptist International Ministries has been helping people answer the call to bring the good news all around the world.

There are people who have said, Lord, if you allow me to get through medical school, I will use my training and my oath to serve as a doctor to not only make the wounded whole, but to heal the sin sick soul.

There are those who learned about agriculture and other issues for rural development, thinking that they would serve in some big, secular international agency, only to feel the tug at their heart to join a movement to make disciples of Jesus Christ.

Could it be that your gifts, experience and education have been provided graciously by God to be returned to God and others in service to make disciples of Jesus Christ?

When the call is answered for long-term service, those selected to serve are commissioned -- set aside for a specific task of service that honors God, assists the church, and makes disciples of Jesus Christ.

Personal, long-term commitment to a people of another country and culture allows the fullest opportunity for incarnational ministry -- to bring Good News to Life.

Long-term relationships with our international partner conventions enable us to participate in the deeply meaningful process of church planting, leadership development, the training of pastors, economic development and justice advocacy, health care, higher education, among other areas of service.

If you are ready to move from career to calling and from profession to vocation, consider American Baptist International Ministries. Come. Grow. Change.

For additional information, please call
1-800-222-3872, ext. 2374


American Baptist International Ministries. Come. Grow. Change.