International Ministries

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It’s Off To Dig We Go

September 15, 2011 Journal
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The following journal was written by a mission volunteer from Minnesota.

              We just finished an amazing week here at Ministerios de fe Vida Nueva. It was 7 days of fellowship, laughter, work, & service.  Our team of 14 individuals, ranging in age from 14 to 65, worked on a couple different projects during our time in Honduras.

                The majority of our team worked on completing the installation of the new water system. The well had been dug and the water pump installed before our arrival. Our crew did lots & lots & lots of digging with the pick axes, spades & shovels.  They dug trenches for the waters lines to spread out across the children’s home campus.  The crew then laid over 1300 feet of new pipe in the newly dug trenches. This new system will allow them to still have water available when the city water shuts down and to irrigate their crops.  


                The remainder of our group worked with 8 children with special needs who attend  the annual  La Adventura de Niños  Excepcionales, a day camp for kids with special needs held once a year at the children’s home. Throughout the week, we completed a variety of educational evaluations and observations to make an accurate assessment of each child’s strengths and weaknesses.  This information is very helpful in guiding our future work with each of the kids.


                During the week, the team also enjoyed helping with the feeding program each day, whether they were serving the lunches or playing with the kids after they finish their lunch it was a fun experience for all.  It is amazing to watch how smoothly the staff and kids at the children’s home can seat, feed, & clean up after approximately 80 kids every day. Everyone including the kids coming to the feeding program do their part in the process.


                Our team had an experience we will never forget. Stepping outside your comfort zone is hard for everyone, but the rewards are tremendous when you do. I believe this quote from one of your team members sums up how we feel as a team. “Everyone wants to be happy, to have peace and joy. But it is not possible unless you are reaching out of yourself and helping other people. That is how I felt helping in Honduras. It was life changing for me, and seeing what Dilia and Dago are doing for the children is amazing. The work of the Lord going on, big time.”

Linda Lang
Mission team from FBC Clarks Grove, MN