International Ministries

Good News from One of the Largest "Mission Fields"

October 30, 2011 Journal
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God’s people are on the move, and so are we! It is great to be in the US to reconnect with friends, meet new ones and share the story of what God is doing through your partnership with us in ministry in Brazil. We have met with sisters and brothers in New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio, Washington, and Oregon and will soon visit churches in Indiana, California, Kansas and Florida. Yes, we’re on the move, but more importantly we are seeing churches dedicated to making a difference in the world in the name of Jesus in both word and deed.

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? Is. 43:19

It seems to us that a “new thing” is sweeping congregations from upstate New York to southern California. People are rediscovering what it means to “be the church” in today’s world. Many are finding creative, even crazy ways to show God’s love to their neighborhood through ministries of compassion or service. They are taking their faith “beyond the four walls” into their community. Some people refer to this as “the missional church movement.” To us, it is simply being obedient to Jesus’ call to spread the good news that the Kingdom of God is at hand! Here are two examples of innovative ministries:

Faith at Work -Take your congregation to the streets on a 5th Sunday! Start with a prayer gathering at the church, then split into teams to visit the elderly, clean the park, or serve meals to the homeless, always ready to “give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.” (1 Pet 3:15) Afterward, have a fellowship meal at the church and share stories of how you saw God at work.

Family Fun Day - Set up a block party in front of your church. Serve hot dogs and burgers, offer games and face painting for the kids, set up a blood pressure check-up station, share the gospel through puppetry or street theater. Put those hidden gifts and skills to work!

Our church in Brazil continues to minister to kids in the poorest part of our neighborhood and offer free classes to the community on everything from English to Chemistry and cooking. God’s people are on the move around the world! Thank you for walking with us on this journey.

Pela graça do Senhor (by the grace of the Lord),

Ann, Bruce and Asa