International Ministries

Grand Opening!!!

May 14, 2012 Journal
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           The GRAND OPENING of a Christian international school in Chiang Rai, Thailand!  As a missionary in Chiang Rai, a parent to three children, a volunteer teacher, and as principal for the past 6 years, what a joy it was for me to be able to return to Thailand and share in this special celebration!  The story of the development of the Chiang Rai International School: Family Learning Community (CRICS) is one of God’s faithfulness.   After walking for 12 years by faith as the Family Learning Center of Chiang Rai (a home school co-op), there is no doubt that the same God who led Jacob, Abraham and Isaac on their journeys, has also been with us.  To God be the glory and honor for each step of the way!

God works through relationships. God works through family.  God works through community.  God works through history.  The Family Learning Center of Chiang Rai has become CRICS on the backs of these values.  After renting in 4 locations as the school grew from 6 to 80 students, we were excited to be able to celebrate the formal registration of the school as CRICS on its new property and in front of the first set of completed classrooms and support facilities!

As the school has grown, the focus on families has always come first.  The Family Learning Center formed to walk alongside families in the education of their children.  Academic excellence is critical, but is only one part of a child’s education.  A significant part of their world view will also be formed through their interactions with family, friends, and the community they live in.

           The school’s success is not about any one person.  God has chosen to use a succession of individuals in administrative, teaching and support roles, using their talents and gifts to see His work accomplished in His timing. We are also grateful to all those who have been part of the process by reaching out with prayer and financial support to help make this day possible.   Please continue to pray for more volunteers and for the accreditation process that now begins, as well as additional physical developments still needed to complete the project.   If you are interested in participating as teachers or with financial support, please go to for more information. 

         As CRICS continues its journey, may it be a journey of faith that will continue to bring glory to God!


                                                                                                    Ruth Fox,

                                                                                                    IM Missionary to Thailand