International Ministries

Things We've Prayed For, But Never Imagined

June 3, 2012 Journal
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Winter came in like a lion for us, beginning in March. More than wind and cold, it camebearing great tidings, like Aslan, the lion of Narnia. It came in with clear signs that God is knitting people, places, and resources into another "good work he has gotten ready for us to do," (Eph. 2:10, The Message), part of God's dream of Shalom.

Everything in this newsletter, in its own small or big way, is about things we have prayed for, but never imagined.



Boys, Dog, New Backyard We had to move to make way for a new apartment building, but the new house has a big backyard for our dog, Rudy. It is well insulated and not hard to heat, a good find in Chile. Having to move brought its anxieties, but God's provision and kindness amazes us.

Jack is becoming a young man, great of heart, whose school-chums, fencing, and ham radio activities keep him busy. Will is a bundle of energy and happiness. As soon as he gets home he heads outside to be with Rudy, and can usually be found in a tree or playing explorer.

Dwight and Barb give thanks for this full life God gives, though, at times, it seems there aren't enough hours in the day.



Girls' Club Goes to School

More churches are requesting Girls' Clubs. Barb and the mentors do an orientation for two new clubs next month. All of the lessons we have written are now being edited with the goal of being published and creating a unified curriculum for schools and churches.

A sister denomination's school recently adopted the project, which means that it is registered with the government's department of education. This is a huge undertaking, but we believe God is opening doors.



A Breakthrough for Berea

Dwight started a new season of classes in the Berea Institute. This year we have guest teachers from the Baptist Theological Institute presenting one workshop each month.

Patricia Cofre, the Rector, recently led some rich conversations on studying the Bible within the Mapuche culture. On other weeks we do Mapudungun and English classes with discipleship studies. Community appreciation of the Mapudungun language recovery keeps growing, and we have three students who are teaching their language in area schools.


Patricia invited Alfonso Coñoepan, one of the most knowledgeable Mapudungun speakers, to be a guest lecturer at the Institute. He will do nine presentations on Mapuche culture that we hope will stimulate an appreciative approach to doing mission with Mapuche churches.



"open to us a door for the word, that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ"

Our newest endeavor is about to reach its first goal: the reopening of a rural health clinic in Curihue.

What began as a simple rainwater collection project has expanded in ways we never imagined.

What if God's dream is bigger than ours?

For over a year, we felt God prodding us to pray about a site in Curihue and its use for church and community development projects. It used to be a health clinic but its services were suspended ten years ago.

Every time we passed it, we imagined lots of "what-if" scenarios, until finally we realized God was inviting us to ask for it.

Then one day the Spinners' group that Barb works with told us that they had helped form a community health committee. This committee, made up of the leaders of the three indigenous communities, was asking us to partner with them in the development of the site. The local government gave them rights to administer the property and agreed to return medical services.

We now have permission to demonstrate a rainwater collection system on the site and to develop the site as a community development center for the classes and projects we do with the churches. God is able to do far more than we

can think or imagine for the dream of Shalom, the good news of the kingdom!

Will you pray for us and our partners here, using the Colossians verse above?

That's what it's all about!

Thank you.

Your caring and compassionate gifts to our ongoing support make many good things possible. Your generous partnership with us has enabled us to reach consistently about 89% of our goal.

An opportunity to share.

Until July 31, The Luther Rice Society will match 100% all gifts to our ongoing support that qualify in one of two ways:

  1. if you are a regular donor, any amount over your regular gift will be matched.
  2. if you are giving for the first time, your gift will be matched.

Of course, you may also designate your gift for this opportunity to another missionary of your choice, or where you feel it is needed most.

Will you consider participating in this helpful way? Your prayers, interest, and partnership encourage us and keep us going. The truth is, all that we endeavor to do or aspire to do is modeled on your examples.


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