International Ministries

DR Mission Team.... Ten Years Later

June 22, 2012 Journal

This week, my beloved DR Mission Team heads out on their annual trip to the Dominican Republic...

Ten years ago this week, a young Sarah Strosahl headed out on her first short term mission trip. What ensued changed the course of history... or at least impacted my life in a lasting way. It was the first of many mission experiences for me, and without that trip I am certain I would not be where I am today. I see direct correlation between that experience and so many major moments in my life over the last 10 years.

If you had told me ten years ago that I would go on this trip and be forever changed, I'd have been skeptical. If you had told me that this trip would lead me to similar trips in Haiti, I might not believe it. If you said that from there, I would travel to Mexico and develop a deep love for Latin America, so much so that I'd add a major in International Affairs and minors in Spanish and Latin American Studies, I would have laughed at you. Added to that, you'd tell me all that would lead me to move to Los Angeles and then move again to go to seminary at Andover Newton, I would have told you that you are absolutely crazy.

Without the DR Mission Team, I never would have travelled to Haiti. Without Haiti, I wouldn't have gone to Mexico. Without Mexico, I wouldn't have pursued a double major. Without that, I wouldn't have come to Los Angeles. Without LA, I probably wouldn't be going to seminary in the fall.  If I wasn't a part of the DR team, I wouldn't be able to speak Spanish. I wouldn't be a team player. I wouldn't feel compassion in the same way. I wouldn't know the power of being a part of a community. I never would have had amoebas without the DR team! In short, without the DR Team, I wouldn't be who I am. The trip sparked a passion within me that I am still pursuing today. I have learned so much from my experiences and the teammates who I shared them with.

Some personal highlights from my DR Team Days:

2002 - Experiencing everything new and exciting and working at the retreat center with Team B.

2003 - I began my 4th of July tradition of waking up the girls dorm with patriotic songs.

2004 -This was the year I prayed for the 102 year old man on Batey Lima, one of the most humbling experiences of my life.

2005: The Year of the Parasite-I worked for one day, then threw up for the rest of the summer. But I learned more here maybe than any other year. I learned to be still. I learned to appreciate. I learned the Spanish word for IV.

2006-Working with Team B at a batey, I spent a lot of time with the kids. I didn't build or dig a lot, but I loved a ton. And that was most important.

Thank you to everyone who made my DR (and subsequent) trips possible. Thank you to the amazing people who I've been privileged to call my teammates. Thank you to the people we've worked with and for. Thank you to everyone who supports the team financially, physically, spiritually, and in prayer.

My thoughts and prayers travel with the team as they set off this week. For those who are traveling for the first time, may this experience bless you as my first trip blessed me. I pray everyone experiences deep joy, heartache, and that no one will earn the Sarah Strosahl Award.

To read the rest of Sarah's blog

To read the DRMT 2012 blog

To read about Sarah's Xperience on Xtreme Team 2007