International Ministries

Loss of Ann’s Brother

November 21, 2004 Journal
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Dear friends,

The phone rang this morning at around 3:45 am with the news of Ann's older brother's death yesterday (Sunday) in Washington State.We spent this morning and afternoon researching the best deal on a flight to the U.S.And by God's grace, the travel agent, a young Christian named João Marcos, was able to book her on a flight tonight to Seattle.She will arrive tomorrow

(Tues) morning in Seattle and will stay there until Dec. 8th.We do not yet know what the arrangements will be for a funeral or memorial service.

Please pray that God would comfort Ann's parents, Hal and Gwen, and her brother Tom and his wife, Kristi.Also pray for healing and comfort for Mike's wife, Karen, and his son, Trevor.This is the second son Hal and Gwen have had to bury.Pray also that Ann would be a blessing and bring a word of hope.

If you would like to send a card to the family, address it to:

The Croswaite family

703 Callahan Dr. #304

Bremerton, WA 98310

In the midst of our deep grief, we are already experiencing God's grace and strength.Pastor Ronald, one of our colleagues here, said to Ann, "We are your family here in Brazil.Don't worry about Bruce and Asa.We'll take care of them while you are gone."Our neighbors upstairs, Glaúcio and Carol, offered to take us to the airport (we don't have a car right now - It's at the shop getting repaired after our accident).And we are amazed that Ann was able to get a flight to the U.S. so quickly - God is so good!

Thanks for "holding the rope" for us in prayer.


Bruce, Ann & Asa