International Ministries

The Whole World Is Coming To Chile

June 22, 2012 Journal
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The World Is Coming To Chile

The Baptist World Alliance is holding its annual meetings in Santiago in July. This is a new experience for both Baptist conventions in Chile.

A handful of leaders who always attend BWA meetings have told Chilean churches for many years about the rich experiences of this global fellowship. Now the opportunity is for Chilean Baptists to know firsthand the diversity and depth of the Baptist experience of mission.

All church members in Chile can attend meetings where commissions share experience in evangelism, missions, theological education, and religious liberty.

Several years ago when the president of our convention attended his first BWA meeting in Spain, he remarked, “it was like opening the door into a much bigger house than I had ever imagined.”

Please pray for the meetings during the first week of July.

Pray that our Chilean partners may feel at home in this grand Baptist family and forge ties that bind us together in mission.  

ABC Leaders Tour Earthquake/Tsunami Relief Sites

Right after the BWA meetings, several of our ABC leaders will visit the places around Concepcion where we ministered to earthquake/tsunami survivors.

Roy Medley (ABC General Secretary), Ruth Clark (ABC President), Hector Gonzalez (former ABC President), along with our Area Director Jose Norat, and FBC-Lansdale, PA pastor Kent Berghuis will spend three days with us, seeing firsthand the ways your One Great Hour of Sharing offerings changed people’s lives. This is another good opportunity for our churches in this area to enjoy these leaders and strengthen our ties.

Then Pastor Kent Berghuis and his son, Jacob, will spend a few days with us in Temuco and around Curihue . He will teach at a branch of the Theological Institute in Temuco, sit in on a Mapudungun class, and teach a class at the Instituto Berea, and preach in Curihue. In Temuco we'll introduce him to some of the Girls' Clubs and he'll also present a new wool carder to a spinners' group. The wool carder is donated by FBC-Lansdale, PA and Grace Baptist Church of Blue Bell, PA (our home church).

His church, FBC-Lansdale, PA is a strong supporter of the wool spinning, weaving and beekeeping projects.

Once again, we have the opportunity to be ministered to by him, and strengthen the ties that bind us in this great mission of making disciples of Jesus.