International Ministries

Prayer Requests for Myanmar

August 24, 2012 Journal
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Please join us in praying for the people of Burma/Myanmar. People often ask us if what they are reading and hearing from the media is true about changes in Myanmar. And yes, there are changes. We do see glimmers of hope. Please pray for God's heart to keep guiding the will of the people.


We are greatly concerned for people suffering throughout Myanmar particularly in the Kachin State. (60,000-70,000 people have been displaced since last June.) Efforts are being made to get these families every basic need. We believe that God has the power to meet their needs.


As far as our work in Thailand, please continue to pray for the staff of NLCF (New Life Center Foundation), and all of the many families who are gaining support from this amazing outreach. We see God so clearly within the staff and the students. The issues are so complicated within human trafficking.... but we are seeing an openness and knowledge by the local ethnic people to do what God is asking them to do. It is amazing to see people who in spite of trauma take such risks. We believe that this is God's hands in our lives. May we all support the locals in their efforts adding to God's voice that they are truly loved.  


And lastly, within our own family, our eldest daughter, Nika will be staying in the United States. She will be going to Eastern Mennonite University. We ask for your prayers for her and us. We celebrate that we will grow again in many new ways this next year.

If you'd like to know more about what's going on in Myanmar, read this article and watch the BBC report.