International Ministries

The Amazing Power of the Word

January 2, 2007 Journal
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How many Bibles do you have on your bookshelves?During my devotional time in the morning, I often use at least three – one in Portuguese, one with an excellent commentary, and a third with thoughtful application notes.And there are several more Bibles on our bookshelves. What a contrast to what I experienced last month when I made an international trip to visit several JAMI missionaries serving in "closed" countries where having a Bible in your possession puts you at great risk.

Ahmad (not his real name) has only one precious Bible that he carries in a black plastic bag so that no one will know he is a Christian.At home, he tucks it under the mattress well out of sight of family or a possible unannounced visit of the military police.Today, Ahmad loves the Word of God, but this wasn't always the case. Listen to his testimony:

When I was in my 20s, I decided to study the "false religion" of Christianity so that I could refute its heresies.I obtained a Bible and began reading with the intention of noting down all the errors.[Here, his faced changed from seriousness to wonder].But, the more I read, the more I was convinced of the truth of Jesus Christ.No one had ever told me these things!One day, Jesus came to me in a dream saying ‘I am the way, come to me.'Now, I am a follower of Jesus.

It has not been easy for Ahmad – he was thrown out of his house, rejected by his family, and shunned by the community.He eventually found work in another city where he continues to quietly share the good news of Jesus one-on-one with those who are seeking the truth.But such conversations are dangerous in a country where it is illegal to change your religion.By the way, two years after being expelled from his house, Ahmad returned home for a visit and discovered that the very brother who had kicked him out had read the "trash" he left behind (the Bible) and discovered it was the truth.Today, his brother is a believer!

Ahmad's story is a living example of the power of the Word of God.There was no church service, no evangelistic rally, and no youth retreat available for Ahmad so God spoke directly to his heart as he read the Bible.Amazing.Indeed, God's word "does not return void" (Isaiah 55:11).

May God give you strength and courage as well as you celebrate the birthday of "the Word that became flesh and dwelt among us."(John 1:14)Why not take the opportunity during this holiday season to tell a friend or family member how Jesus was born in your life?

By His grace,

Ann (with Bruce and Asa)