International Ministries

Karen Smith Was Featured at ABCOPAD Biennial Dinner

October 17, 2012 Journal
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Our IM family is just that, a family. And like a family there are welcomed times of reunion. The Biennial meeting of the American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania and Delaware provided such an occasion on October 11-13, in Altoona, PA.  It led not only to a celebration of the vital partnership among ABCOPAD’s 322 congregations, but it also featured a gifted IM missionary, Karen Smith who is serving in Thailand.

Our IM family is vast in one sense, stretching across our nation and around the globe, but it is also close-knit in another sense. For instance, I remember IM missionaries Hugh and Ann Smith, Karen's parents, who served in Hong Kong (1958-75). Hugh became IM’s Director of Public Relations (1975-91) and toward the end of his service in that position he became one of my “encouragers” during my ministry in World Mission Support. Little did I know that many years later I would be working as a consultant for IM and have regular contact with his daughter, Karen.

I was pleased that Karen was one of those contacts at Thursday’s ABCOPAD Biennial dinner. She has been ministering through the New Life Center Foundation in Thailand since 2000. Using the title, “Peace in the Midst of Turmoil,” Karen eloquently spoke of her work with young ethnic minority women who are at risk for, or victims of, human trafficking, forced labor and sexual abuse. She referred to what God is teaching her at the NLCF...through a young woman named Ahbee.

I celebrate that Karen is one of my valued “family members.” Her dedicated work in leading the programs of the NLCF makes it possible that physically and emotionally wounded young women can know the power of the Great Physician!