International Ministries

The Sign of the Cross

November 16, 2012 Journal
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       September and October were very busy months for us; we went to Kansas City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Indiana and back to Ohio.   While we were in L.A. the Chinese Moon Festival occurred.  It was a very hot night, (100+ degrees) so we stepped out to the yard outside our room, and there the Lord again showed His sign: another cross formed by airplane contrails.  The first time God showed us this sign was the huge cross over our house we had just sold.  This time was different because it was a cross beside the moon.  How beautiful!  I remembered the scripture of Number 9:15-20 about “The Cloud Above the Tabernacle”.   The Lord used His sign to guide the Israelites to set out or to encamp.   What a marvelous God we have!  He is continuously leading and guiding us to churches until His time comes to send us to Macau.   Like the Israelites, we have to obey and follow His order and His call; our current assignment is to share His vision, love and mission work to churches.


        I have submitted my request for retirement at the end of this year so that I can be full time in ministry.  Although recently we were physically exhausted, the Lord strengthened our spirits so we could accomplish 38 presentations to churches, Bible study groups, ABWM groups, ministers gatherings and association gatherings within the last two months.  Praise the Lord! The Holy Spirit touched many hearts to respond to His call.


Since beginning to share our call we have been blessed by an abundance of generous one-time gifts.  However, our committed support rate is at 34%.  We are at the point that a small amount every month is more important than a large amount given once.  While we attended an association ministers gathering, one pastor asked how he could help.   After we told him that we have to raise 100% of committed support in order to be commissioned, he pulled out his cellphone and did some calculation.  He asked the region staff how many ABC churches were in Ohio.   Then he said if all ABC churches in Ohio can commit $50 per month, the Wus will be set to go to Macau.  Another pastor said her church didn’t have that kind of budget but she could work with her congregation for three $20 of committed support to fulfill her church’s pledge.  Since then we have shared this message with churches and the committed support rate has significantly increased.   What a marvelous sign!  It not only demonstrates His leading, but also reveals His omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent power.