International Ministries

Back In Haiti

December 8, 2012 Journal
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We have already been back in Haiti 4 weeks and yet somehow it doesn’t seem that we have been away for 16 months!  It has been a rainy month but it has also brought relief from the hot weather that Haiti experiences for 8 months beginning in April. The good things we have enjoyed are the smiles on our friends faces welcoming us back, our parrots are healthy and happy thanks to the good care by our friend, Guy Noel, and some wonderful Haitian food we so enjoy, to name but a few. 


The hard things are that the roads seem worse than when we left in 2011. The termites enjoyed our books while we were away. The truck is in need of major repairs and our washing machine and dryer don’t work.  But we are grateful for the things that do work and the books the termites had not yet found! We have found a sense of humor about it all goes a long way.


We had a special Thanksgiving sharing an American meal with our Haitian friends who have been such a help to us over the years. Agape Flights our mail server from Florida donated frozen turkeys and the trimmings for all the subscribers involved in mission work in Haiti.  We were also able to share in another gathering with the English speaking church near Cap Haitian attended by Americans, Haitians and Canadians.  Nancy gave a short devotional after our potluck meal. It was a great time to see old friends and meet new folks from many different missions in the north.


We look forward to the Advent season bringing our son Micah from North Carolina when he is on his Christmas break from Wake Forest University.


Please pray for the challenging days ahead for the staff of Ebenezer Clinic as they try to shape the future of their local clinic.


In His peace,


Steve and Nancy