International Ministries

Praising God in All Things

April 24, 2013 Journal
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It was our fifth day of a three week-long cross-cultural training near Colorado Springs, CO. Our lesson for the day was “Conflict Provides Opportunities." In order to help us recognize styles for coping with conflict, we were first instructed to analyze and understand which conflict styles we are. Later on, after listening to lectures, the class engaged in discussions and acting out the conflict styles in order to learn and experience dealing with conflict. It was a fun and interesting lesson.

Unfortunately, we needed to leave the afternoon session early in order to get our flight to attend the Central Pacific Coast Annual Missions Conference in Oakland, CA the next day.  In the airport, I was attracted by a small booth with a big sign that said "AMBASSADOR."  A sweet lady served there. Immediately, I prayed and gave praise for her from the bottom of my heart.  Her service and smile spread the aroma of Christ in a place where people come and go from all over the world.  May God bless her as she blesses others with the spirit of Christ.

Although we arrived in San Francisco very late in the night and had only a couple of hours rest, the Lord refreshed us with a spirit of joy for the next morning’s presentation and two repeated workshops in the conference. We were thankful for being invited to be there, and were blessed by the messages brought from Rev. Dr. Reid Trulson, Rev. Ray Schooler and other facilitators.

We flew back to the Colorado training center on Sunday. Monday was the last session for “Conflict Provides Opportunities."  I was amazed to see that through the weekend the whole class had bonded from openness and fellowship, knowing each other more personally through dealing with conflict. As discussion went on, more people shared their stories, struggles and tension through their life's journey.  People opened themselves to reveal their hurt, and there were many tears around the classroom.  God can use people who have experienced pain and discouragement in their lives as examples of God's healing grace.  They will share His gospel and encourage others. Who are they? Merely, mortal!

I am one of them. I am so thankful for being redeemed and called to be a child of God. I am thankful for the adversities of my life's journey.  I recognize them as opportunities, drawing me to my Lord and Master with greater depth and reality.  I praise the Lord and say, “Yes, You intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done and to know You more intimately.”  I am also thankful for the Master’s promise, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

May the Lord bless you with His promised peace.  Emerson and I truly thank you for your prayers and support which allow us to participate in trainings, attend conferences and visit churches to share God’s love and His vision for the ministry in Macau.