International Ministries

Learning to Rest in the Lord

June 8, 2013 Journal
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Attending the Cross-Cultural Training in Colorado gave us valuable insights, blessed fellowship and the fright of our lives.  Classes and assignments had been demanding and stressful, and we are thankful for them.  During the “Silence and Sabbath” session, I could not relax and receive the intended lesson.  I had to confess that for many months I had been so focused on fundraising, that I had not really rested.   I was tired. Our leader suggested that we take a day off and do something different.  Ivy and I decided to have an adventure and drive to Pikes Peak for relaxation and fun.  Not our best idea! 

            When we reached the entrance gate, other classmates from the conference, Kate, Matt and Brittany, came by and asked if we would like to join them.  I asked myself, “Am I really sure I want to drive up there?”  Since the idea for our going was to relax, Ivy and I thought we would want to go a little slower than they wanted, so we declined their offer.

            I was nervous driving up.  I gripped the steering wheel to the “white knuckle” stage.  Ivy asked, “Are you OK?  Do you want me to drive?”  I responded that I could go up, but not drive down.  When we passed the half-way point, Ivy tried to encourage me, for we had already reached 11,000 feet, but I didn’t feel good about going higher; nevertheless, on we went.  When we passed Glen Cove Station, there was a steep slope and I drove very slowly with sweaty hands.  Ivy said, “We reached 12,200 feet.”  We had gone another thousand feet!  No wonder I was nervous. 

            Then we saw a car parked on the road so I stopped the car.  I looked at the passenger side of the road.  It was a cliff down without a guard rail or even a pine tree!  Ahead I saw a steeper slope, zig-zagging up. I was so scared I could not drive anymore.  I wanted to turn around and go back. But how could I do that on the narrow road without a guard rail or anything to tell me how much room I had?  I put the car in reverse, but Ivy called out, “Stop, stop!  What are you doing?”  We decided to park the car on the right side and ask someone to help us turn around.

            Shortly, there came two young men who helped us turn the car around to go down the mountain.  Then Ivy and I looked at each other.  Now what?  Both of us were too scared to drive the car down, so we waved for help again.  There came a couple from Germany.  They were accustomed to driving in the Alps, and the lady stepped out to help us.  After she had driven for miles, I began to relax a bit from all the chaos.  Then she asked which gear was the low gear.  I realized that she had driven all that way in “drive,” using the brake.  When we finally stopped, the people in the car behind us said the brakes had been smoking.  It was panic time again.  Would our car catch on fire?  Would the brakes work?  Would the car stop?  Could we get down the mountain? 

            Finally we reached Crystal Lake, a quiet and beautiful place to stop for lunch.  Pikes Peak was in front of us in all its majesty, but I was still frightened by the experience of that steep, zig zag slope.  What would have happened if no one had come to help us?  After our lunch, enjoying the setting, Ivy suggested that we take a short nap on the shore of the lake.  I lay down, but my knuckles were still white, and my legs were drawn up in anxiety.  Then I began to communicate with the Lord.  “Lord, help!  I was freaked out!”  But there was only silence.  “Lord, we didn’t reach the summit.  The mission failed.”  Then I heard a voice:  “Let it go.” 

“Lord, will you walk with me for thousands of miles?”  The voice spoke again, “Have your rest in me.”  My legs began to straighten, and I fell asleep. 

              After I woke up, there was complete silence.  I saw Pikes Peak again, as beautiful as ever.  “Lord you are still here.”  Again I heard that precious voice, firmly assuring me and saying, “Be still and know that I am God.”  My heart sang.  “Yes, indeed, you are the Lord God Almighty.  You will be exalted among the nations.  You will be exalted in the earth.  I praise you for teaching me how to rest in you through this chaotic adventure.”

 Our current personal support goal is at 92.5%.  When it reaches 100%, we will be commissioned.  We are so very thankful for all the prayers and financial support that you, our faithful Missionary Partnership Network, give us.  As we are now so close to reaching our support goal, we are very aware of all that must be done in the few coming months as we prepare to be commissioned.  In that regard, please pray

May your hearts rest in the peace of the LORD.