International Ministries

A Peacemaker in Haiti - A Visit From Dan Buttry

September 1, 2013 Journal
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Why would we request a global peacemaker to Haiti, a country that has seemingly “settled down” after years of political unrest, violence and kidnapping? Currently, Haiti appears peaceful after a long history of unrest and blood shed. 

Despite these appearances, at a deeper level, the Kingdom work of Christ in Haiti all too often is slowed by divisions among His people. Last month we were privileged to see Dan Buttry in action. 

Steve and I had invited Dan to explore the possibilities of beginning Conflict Transformation workshops in Haiti. Dan is an American Baptist International Ministries’ Global Consultant for Peace and Justice. He helps people around the world to deal constructively with conflict situations through Jesus’ way of nonviolence. He is a pastor, husband and father of three grown children, author of several books (listed at the end of our letter) and has a passion for the work of reconciliation and peacemaking. 

Steve and I have been excited about Dan’s work since hearing of his efforts to help empower Christian leaders in the Naga Hills, North East India to resolve their problems peacefully. We knew his skills could help groups and individuals in conflict in Haiti and we prayed that he would be able to come. 

When Dan said he could fit a visit into Haiti this summer, we seized upon the occasion and started to share the idea with the Haitian Baptist Convention (CBH) and our local neighbors. It just so happened his visit coincided with the yearly CBH pastor’s conference near our home here in the north, and Pastor Emmanuel Pierre (Executive Secretary of CBH) invited Dan to share what he does with those gathered at the pastor’s conference. We were able to invite pastors and community leaders to a three- hour workshop introducing the concept of conflict-resolution and how it can be a positive and effective method of resolving problems. 

Dan was an excellent facilitator to the two workshops we attended. His workshops are filled with examples from the Bible that most of us overlook, and he shed new light and meaning on some familiar and unfamiliar stories. 

Those attending were so appreciative of his interactive style and our eyes were opened to new ways of dialog and listening to “our enemies.” They are eager to grow in these new concepts he taught and he whetted all of our appetites for more teaching and training. 

Steve and I will continue to be in dialogue with the community leaders for what steps they might want to take in the future to spread these formative and empowering workshops on peacemaking. We are excited about what God might be doing in Haiti. Thank you for being a part of this holistic transformative ministry with your love, prayers and support.

Books by Dan Buttry

Christian Peacemaking: from Heritage to Hope

Blessed are the Peacemakers

Peace Warrior (A Memoir from the Front)

Interfaith Heroes (Volumes 1 & 2)